Lady Gaga变身“绿精灵” 大尺度半裸亮相

2012年11月02日14:00  沪江英语 微博   
Lady Gaga身穿一条绿色芭蕾短裙Lady Gaga身穿一条绿色芭蕾短裙

  Lady Gaga's Halloween costume left little to the imagination, which isn't too surprising given her flair for theatrics. What was surprising, however, is how quickly the pop star was able to slim down after gaining "25 pounds" in mid-September。

  To celebrate the holiday, the 26-year-old created her own ensemble. "I was weed for Halloween," Gaga tweeted Nov. 1. "Best costume ever! It's so fun. Princess High the Cannabis Queen."

  Gaga then directed her 30.8 million Twitter followers to her Little Monsters website, where she posted a picture of herself wearing a green wig and matching armbands. The topless singer covered her nipples with green pasties made to look like cannabis leaves. She completed her look with a gold crown。

  "Last night was paradise!" the Grammy winner tweeted。

  The risque ensemble highlighted the singer's toned abs and thinner arms -- which was Gaga's intention, according to a source。

  "She feels great," the source tells Us Weekly of the slimmed-down New Yorker. "She did little things like not drinking coffee or caffeine. . . She doesn't care particularly too much what people think, but she knew she looked good the last few nights and wanted to show it off."

Lady Gaga当晚对自己的万圣节造型也很是满意Lady Gaga当晚对自己的万圣节造型也很是满意

  11月2日晚,Lady Gaga身穿一条绿色芭蕾短裙,头戴绿色假发,而上身仅以两片星型装饰物遮羞,防止露点。当晚,Lady Gaga的御用化妆师Tara Savelo也参加了此次的狂欢夜活动,大麻装造型也相当大胆惹眼。近年来,Lady Gaga的造型一直以雷人大[微博]胆而著称,而这次万圣节造型也没有让大家失望,可以称的上是今年好莱坞明星中最暴露的万圣节造型之一。

  此次的万圣节性感造型也不禁让人们联想到了此次关于Lady Gaga体重飙升的消息,而Lady Gaga在接受《Stylist》采访时也毫不避讳的表示,她一点也不在乎媒体所关注的她体重增加的事情,她认为新闻报道应该关注一些更重要的事情。她在接受采访时说:“我的妈妈在网上看到了我的照片之后打电话给我,她问我,你胖了吗?我身边的每个人都问我这件事情,但我自己真的不在乎。仅仅因为我体重增加而进行大幅报道,真是太可笑了。”Lady Gaga在接受采访时补充说道:“阿黛尔比我还要丰满,但她仍是那么的充满魅力与自信。”

  据悉,Lady Gaga当晚对自己的万圣节造型也很是满意,还在自己的推特上大晒照片,看起来玩的很尽兴。

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