越南非主流组合HKT爆红 发廊造型雷瞎双眼

2012年11月14日14:01  沪江英语 微博   

  原标题:越南非主流组合HKT爆红网络 洗剪吹造型雷瞎双眼

  Since their début Weibo post on the 6th of November, Vietnamese pop-group HKT Band* have attracted a staggering number of followers, over 60,000 at the time of writing and still growing. Their popularity has little to do with their music however。自从11月6日在微博首度亮相后,越南流行组合HKT就吸引了数以万计的粉丝,截至发稿时,HKT的微博粉丝已经超过了六万。但他们的成名却与音乐没有什么太大关系。

  "Hi everyone, we're HKT Band from Vietnam! We like China! I love you! Please follow our official Weibo account, reads the first post of the unintentionally viral Weibo profile。在第一条微博中,HKT这样写道:“在大家好,我们是来自越南的HKT组合!我们喜欢中国这个地方!我爱你们!欢迎关注我们的官方宣传微博”

  In the page description, the boyband claims to be the most popular idol group among Vietnamese youth. However, the Southeast Asian musicians' rise to Chinese stardom is more akin to that of Sister Lotus or William Hung。在介绍中,这个男孩团体自称HKT是越南青少年最喜欢的偶像团体。然而,这个东南亚团体在中国娱乐圈的走红似乎走的是芙蓉姐姐和“美国偶像”淘汰者孔庆祥的路线。

  Most commenters are branding their music quasi-revolting while others dismiss it as mere Internet trolling. "Hard effort to torture their fans everyday", one comment reads。几乎大部分评论都在吐槽他们的雷人造型,还有一些人直接把他们当做网络炒作而无视。有评论就说:“(HKT)天天费尽心机折磨他们的粉丝。”

  Many also have a go at their outrageously avant-garde

  hairstyles and David Bowie circa Ziggy Stardust meets awful Euro-pop dress sense. One user writes, "Wash + Cut + Blow Trio more like"很多人也吐槽他们的前卫发型简直就是大卫·鲍威在专辑Ziggy Stardust塑造的外星人摇滚巨星穿上了糟糕的欧洲流行乐服饰。有人评论说他们更像是“洗剪吹三人组”。

  Whoever is controlling the profile, they seem to be taking no notice of the furore. The account has posted a number of music videos which then quickly became viral hits in spite of, or really because of, how awful they sound。不管谁在操纵这个乐团,HKT似乎对网络上的骚动不以为意。HKT在微博上上传了诸多爆红的MTV,之所以爆红,很大程度来源于他们声音的糟糕程度。

  In their latest entry, the group says: "Hi everyone, here's a surprise for you. We'd like to introduce our brother group HKT-M. Don't underestimate his talents just because he's cute. Now enjoy our new hit Xuân Vạn Niên. Hope you like it! Thanks for the support China!"在最新一条微博中,HKT写道:“大家好,有个惊喜要告诉给大家。今天隆重向大家介绍我们@HKT组合 的弟弟团#HKT-M组合#。不要看弟弟团样子可爱就忽视了他们的实力。可以先欣赏他们的祝贺歌曲《Xuân Vạn Niên》轩凡年。希望大家也喜欢我们的弟弟团,感谢中国朋友的支持!”

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