原标题:安妮海瑟薇等众卡司拍摄 《悲惨世界》唯美照片和最新预告
In the December issue of Vogue, the stunning series of images have been dubbed "Dreaming a Dream" by the photographer and feature the star studded cast - including Anne Hathaway, Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman。摄影师安妮莱柏维兹为12月的VOGUE杂志拍摄了一组名为梦中梦的照片,悲惨世界的众卡司们仅仅用眼神和姿势展示了剧中角色的感知-包括安妮海瑟薇,罗素克罗,休杰克曼。
Directed by The King's Speech's Tom Hooper, the film follows Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, a French peasant and paroled prisoner seeking redemption. 由《国王的演讲》奥斯卡金奖导演汤姆•霍伯执导的圣诞歌舞大作《悲惨世界》,本片围绕着休杰克曼扮演的冉阿让,一个法国的获释罪犯寻求救赎的故事。
'The whole thing is really one big love story,' Amanda told Vogue. 'There’s something about Les Mis that makes everyone see the world differently.'“这整个事情其实是一个宏大的爱情故事,”阿曼达告诉VOGUE“关于悲惨世界,它让每个人都可以看到一个不一样的世界。”