
2012年11月19日10:12  沪江英语 微博   

  5. Turning on the purr power发出呜呜呜的声音

  This steady, rhythmic sound emitted when your cat inhales and exhales is often associated with contentment. But cats also purr when they need to self-calm or while nursing a litter; however, your cat saves the special full-bodied rumble as a smile directed to you. It is her way of saying, "I love you."当你的猫猫在呼吸时发出这种沉稳而又节奏的声音时,就表示它非常满足。但是喵星人在需要自我平静或产宝宝的时候也会发出呜呜的声音。然而,猫猫是用全身力量发出这种声音,就直接等于在向你微笑,它在用它的方式对你说:“我爱你”。


  6. Sitting on you or beside you趴在你身上或身边

  Cats crave warm places to nap and sleep, but when they bypass a comfy cat bed or your bedroom pillow to perch on your lap, you should feel honored. Your cat has sized up her options and is conveying that she prefers being with you rather than being by herself in her cat bed。喵星人喜欢在温暖的地方打盹或睡觉,但是当它绕开舒服的小窝或枕头而趴在你的腿上,你就该感到荣幸啦!你的猫猫已经权衡好决定,在向你传达:相比自己的小窝,它更乐意和你依偎在一起!


  7. Kneading her paws on your lap坐在你的膝上揉捏自己的爪子

  If you need a sign it is time to trim your cat's nails, nothing is clearer than when she perches on your lap, purrs and starts kneading your thighs with her front paws. But this is also a sign of affection. Experts say that this action beckons your adult cat back to a safe, welcoming memory when she was nuzzling her mother for milk as a newborn kitten。如果你想知道它何时需要修剪指甲,那么在你膝盖上蜷缩,发出呜呜声并开始用它的前爪揉捏你的大腿,便是它给你的最好的讯号。其实这也是表达爱意的讯号。专家告诉我们,这个动作唤起了成年猫们童年的美好回忆:作为小猫咪时它们用鼻子爱抚自己的妈妈。


  8. Licking your hair and earlobes舔你的头发或耳垂

  OK, neither of these actions may rate on your top 10 list of affection preferences, but your cat is regarding you as another cat - albeit a big one - in her inner circle. Only special "cats" are deemed worthy of these special grooming sessions. In a multicat household, mutual grooming is a sign of trust and friendship。好吧,这两点可能不会是你喜欢的表达爱的方式,但在猫猫自己的心灵世界里,它是在把你当作另一只猫——虽然体形实在很大。只有独特的“大猫”们才值得它们为其梳妆整理。在一个多种猫群里,为同伴梳理打扮是友谊和信任的象征。


  9. Bringing you dead mice, birds and other so-called gifts带给你它们认为的好礼物:死老鼠、鸟或者其他

  Evolution and domestication have not stripped your cat of her inner hunter. After a successful hunt, she may deposit a mouse head or lizard tail in a place she knows you will visit - like your pillow. Yuck? Yes, but your cat is sharing her prey prize with you, a true sign of trusted friendship。进化和驯化并不能完全夺走你家爱猫打猎的本性。作为一个出色的猎者,它会将老鼠头、蜥蜴尾巴藏在一个你会去的地方,比如你的枕头。很恶心?是,但你的猫猫正在与你分享猎物呢,真真正正表达它对你的友谊和信赖。


  10. Emitting a high-pitched trill发出高声调的颤音

  Cats are capable of more than a dozen vocalizations, ranging from the hiss to the meow. Listen carefully for the high-pitched trill or chirp. These sounds convey affection and attention - not a feline demand for second helpings in her food bowl. Trill back, watch her reaction and enjoy a true cat chat。喵星人会发出许多不同类型的声音,从嘶嘶声到喵喵声。注意它发出的高声调颤音或喳喳声,这类声音不是它向你求助食物,而是在表达自己对你的喜爱和关注。记得同样回应它,观察它的反应,享受一次真正的喵星人对话。


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