Makeup can be a powerful tool in helping you look slim. Just look at any celebrity. Most do not look like they do on their own. Their makeup and hair really change how their faces look and draw attention to their best features. You can use some of the same tricks to make your face appear thinner. Try some of the following techniques next time you apply makeup and watch the magic happen. 化妆可是能让你显瘦的强大武器哦。看看各位明星大腕你就知道了,大部分人看起来比实际漂亮很多。他们的妆容和发型能够改变脸型,并凸显出脸部的优点。你也 可以用同样的技巧让脸部显得更小点。下次化妆时试试下面这些技巧,见证奇迹的时刻即将到来。
I. Choose the right brow shape 选择适合你的眉毛形状
Your brows can actually play a big part in how slim or heavy your face looks. Your eyebrows should be substantial, but not thick, and have a defined arch in the middle. Arched brows help lift the face and make your face look slimmer. Color in your brows with a shade of makeup slightly darker than your natural brow to help them stand out. 眉毛是让脸部看起来更胖或更瘦的重要部分。眉毛要浓密,但不能厚,中间要有明显的弓形。弓形的眉毛能拉长脸型,使脸看起来更瘦。选择颜色比眉毛深一点的眼 影,这样更能自然地凸显你的眉毛哦。
II. Cover eye circles 盖住黑眼圈
Eye circles can have a weighty effect on how you look. Cover under eye circles with concealer to hide them and blend your eyelids into the rest of your face. You can also add a white eye shadow or highlighter to the outside and inside corners of your eyes to help them stand out. When your eyes stand out in a good way, rather than stand out because of dark circles, your face automatically looks slimmer. 黑眼圈真的会影响你的模样。用遮瑕膏遮住他们。你还可以擦一点白色的眼影,把眼睛周围提亮,使得眼睛更突出。当你的眼睛以一种很好的方式而非被黑眼圈凸显 出来,脸部就会看起来更瘦了。
III. Experiment with blush placement 刷点腮红
Most people should use a blush with a slight brown undertone for best results. Blushes with red undertones can actually make the face look heavier than it is. Apply your blush just under the cheekbone and sweep it from bone to the middle of each ear. Apply lightly, to avoid looking like a clown. 大部分人都会用点腮红来衬托肤色。然而往往腮红会让脸看起来比较臃肿。沿着颧骨下方开始刷,一直刷到耳朵中间,颜色要淡点,免得看起来像小丑。
IV. Play up eyes 装饰眼睛
The more you play up your eyes, the slimmer your face will look. It is true, that when the eye is distracted by beautiful eyes, it does not pay attention to body issues. Use eyeliner and mascara that make your eyes appear larger, and use eye shadow that works well with your skin tone and eye color. Blue eyes look great with gold or pink shadows. Green eyes stand out with copper or plum shades. Brown eyes pop with blue, teal, and purple. 眼睛上花样的越多,你看起来就越瘦。当人们的眼光都聚集在你的美丽眼睛上时,也就不会再多注意脸部的其他部位了。使用眼线笔和睫毛膏让眼睛看起来更大,用 眼影来衬托肤色与眼睛的颜色。金色或粉红色的眼影更适合蓝色眼睛的人,绿色的眼睛更适合涂铜色和紫红色的眼影,而蓝色、青色和紫色更适合灰色的眼睛。
V. Apply bronzer correctly 正确的使用古铜色化妆品
One trick to using makeup to look slimmer is to use bronzer correctly to lift weight off of your face. Apply a light layer of bronzer on the jaw line to slightly darken the area. Blend the bronzer into your makeup so you do not look like you are growing a beard. Apply a slightly darker layer of bronzer under your jaw. This will draw the eye away from any weight that you carry under the neck and can actually help you look about 10 pounds lighter. 要使得脸部看起来更瘦,有一点就是要正确的使用古铜色化妆品。在下巴上刷一层古铜色。记着要把古铜色混合在整个装扮中,这样你不会看起来像长了胡须,就刷 浅浅的一层在下巴那边。这能让别人眼光远离颈部下
VI. Try highlighter 试试轮廓色
Add a touch of light highlighter to the tops of your cheek bones, the center of your nose, and your forehead. This will help elongate the face and make your entire body look lifted and lighter. 在脸颊,鼻子中间和前额加一点高光粉,这能拉长你的脸型,使你整个身体看起来更轻。
VII. Pink lips 粉红色的嘴唇
Dark lips can actually cause you to look heavier. A light pink lip is one of the best colors for making a face look light and lips look full. Nude colors tend to make the lips look thin. A pink lip color that works with your skin tone is one of the best makeup tools you can have to help you look slim. 深色的嘴唇会看上去更胖。亮粉色是让脸部和嘴唇看起来瘦的最好颜色之一,裸色会让嘴唇显瘦。粉红色的唇色和肤色搭配起来是能让你显瘦的最好办法。
If you follow all of these steps, you will create a makeup routine that will leave you feeling confident, slim, and beautiful. In just a few minutes, you can go from looking blah to fabulous with just a few sweeps of a makeup brush. 如果你做到了这些,你的妆容就能让你更自信,更苗条,更美丽。仅仅几分钟的时间,你就可以用化妆刷来一次华丽的变身。