The photographer who captured the deeply controversial image of a New York City subway rider moments before he was hit and killed by a train claims there was nothing he could have done to pull the man off the tracks。美国纽约市的地铁站,一名乘客被推下站台,后来因为被地铁撞倒而死亡。这样的一幕被一位摄影师用相机记录下来,拍下了非常具有争议的一张照片。该摄影师在事后声称,他当时无能无力,没办法把这个男人拉上来。
The image appeared on the front page of the New York Post Tuesday morning with the headline 'Doomed'. Ki Suk Han, 58, can be seen looking at the train with his arms outstretched he tries to heave himself out of its path. 周二早上,这张照片出现在《纽约邮报》的头版位置,醒目的标题写着触目惊心的“死亡”。受害人是58岁的韩基苏(韩国籍男子),从照片中可以看到他望着地铁列车开来的方向,奋力地把胳膊伸展出来,希望能够爬起来躲过列车。
Post freelance photographer R. Umar Abbasi — who had been waiting on the platform of the 49th Street station — ran toward the train, repeatedly firing off his flash to warn the operator。拍下照片的是美国《纽约邮报》的自由摄影师乌马尔-阿巴西,当时他正在49大街站台处候车。事发后他跑向驶来的列车,不停地使用闪光灯,希望能被地铁司机看到。
“I just started running, running, hoping that the driver could see my flash,” said Abbasi, whose camera captured chilling shots of Suk’s tragic fight for his life。“我不停地向驶来的列车方向奔跑,希望司机能看到我的闪光灯,” 阿巴西说。就是他用相机冷漠地拍下了韩奋力求生的照片。
The train slowed, but a dazed and bruised Han still wound up hopelessly caught between it and the platform as it came to a halt. A shaken Abbasi said the train “crushed him like a rag doll。”列车发现情况减速,但在司机尽力刹停列车的时候,受害者韩基苏当时已眩晕茫然、身上多处擦伤,还是被撞倒在了列车和站台之间,几乎没有生还的机会。阿巴西也被这样的场景震惊到了,说列车“就像压碎一个布娃娃一样压向了韩。”
Mr Abbasi has become the subject of intense outrage for shooting the pictures. Critics say he chose to snap the disturbing shots instead of helping Mr Han。事件曝光后,拍摄这张照片的阿巴西引来了美国全民众怒。很多人批评他当时选择拍下这样令人心惊的一幕,却没有去伸把手帮助韩先生。
But Mr Abbasi said in an interview on NBC's Today show on Wednesday that he did everything he could to help. 'If this thing happened again with the same circumstances, whether I had a camera or not, and I was running toward him, there was no way I could have rescued Mr Han,' Mr Abbasi said。但阿巴西周三在接受美国NBC电视台晨间新闻节目《今日秀》时表示,他已经尽了一切努力。“如果同样的场景再次重演,不管我手里有没有拿摄像机,我有没有朝他跑过去,我都没法救韩先生。” 阿巴西在节目中表示。
Questions have been raised about the photographer's decision to snap pictures of the grim moment and of the newspaper's decision to splash them across the front page with the words: 'Pushed on the subway tracks this man is about to die.'不过这样冷酷的时刻,还是让舆论对摄影师拍照的选择以及《纽约邮报》作出头版刊登的决定提出了许多的质疑。照片刊登在报纸的头版位置,还配有文字:“这个人被推到地铁轨道上,他将面临死亡”。
The suspect, Naeem Davis, was being questioned today in Manhattan, in connection to the grisly death of Mr Han, yesterday afternoon. The man was picked up on 50th Street near Seventh Avenue by a transit police captain and ran over to grab him。这起案件的嫌疑人纳伊姆-戴维斯,昨天下午在曼哈顿就导致韩基苏死亡一事接受审问。该男子在第七大道附近的50大街被一名经过的交警队长发现并抓获。