Think back on the past calendar year. What would you like to see different in 2013? And what are the smallest possible changes that could bring those results? Here, five suggestions of potentially painless asks that could bring big rewards in 2013.
Think back on the past calendar year. What would you like to see different in 2013? And what are the smallest possible changes that could bring those results? Here, five suggestions of potentially painless asks that could bring big rewards in 2013.
1.Flex Time
Will flexible scheduling make you more focused on the job? Save stress by letting you skip a traffic-ridden commute? Try asking for an hour or two of flexibility each week (but be sure to stress that you will not be cutting corners or missing meetings)—and watch your well-being soar。
2.Meeting Invites
Ask to be included in bigger projects, meetings with executives for a surefire signal that you want to contribute more to the company and learn more in the process. There’s no cost associated with being a fly on the wall, and the exposure can be career-changing。
A formal mentorship can be extremely beneficial to your career and requires only a time commitment from a senior employee. Request that you be partnered with a higher-up whose career path you aspire to follow。
4.Career Training
Many companies have policies to offset tuition costs to pursue higher education in your field—check with HR for details. But even if there is no set standard, approach your supervisor with suggestions of courses or conferences where you might learn critical skills that will benefit the whole team. An added bonus: your boss will look good to her boss when presenting the idea。
5.Vacation Days
Additional floating vacation days allow employees the flexibility to simply get away or to observe holidays not recognized by the company calendar. In some cases, additional vacation days have proven increased year-round attendance for employees。
You might figure that if you do good work, you don’t need to worry about being fired. Think again—there are some habits that can jeopardize even the best employee’s job. Here are 10 of the riskiest:
You might figure that if you do good work, you don’t need to worry about being fired. Think again—there are some habits that can jeopardize even the best employee’s job. Here are 10 of the riskiest:
1. Playing online during the workday. If you’re logged into Gmail chat all day, doing your holiday shopping online, or playing on Facebook when you should be working, it could cost you your job. Your employer has the right to monitor anything you do on your work computer, including checking your personal email. Never use your work computer for anything you don’t want your boss to know about—whether it’s job-searching, online shopping, complaining about your job, hanging out on social networking sites, or anything else。
1. 工作时间上网。工作时间登录Gmail聊天,网购假日促销品,或在Facebook上交友,这样,你的饭碗可能就危险了。监控你的工作电脑是老板的权利,查看你的个人邮 件也不为过。如果不想让老板知道,你在网上搜索新职位,在线购物,发牢骚,逛社交网站等等,就别在工作电脑上做这些。
2. Complaining about your boss. You never know who might be listening, and if you get a reputation as a complainer, your boss will eventually hear about it。
2. 抱怨老板。说者无心,听者有意,如果你经常抱怨,终有一天会传到老板的耳朵里。
3. Not owning up to mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time; what matters is how you handle it when you do. If you don’t accept responsibility or—worse— try to cover up that a mistake was made at all, your boss will likely be far more angry at this than at the mistake itself。
3. 掩盖错误。人无完人,犯点错误在所难免,可关键在于你处理它的方式。逃避责任,或者做得更恶劣,想方设法掩盖错误,这样做是错上加错,可能比错误本身更让老板光火。
4. Being preoccupied with whether something is your job or not. Protesting that something isn’t in your job description is a good way to lose the support of your boss. Job descriptions aren’t comprehensive, and most people end up doing work that doesn’t fall squarely within that job description. (That’s what “and other duties as assigned” means。) People who balk at this often end up at the top of a lay-off list. You want to make yourself more valuable to your employer, not less。
5. Getting angry at work. It’s normal to occasionally get frustrated at work, but it crosses a line if you’re yelling, slamming doors, or snapping at people. It only takes one incident like this to get a reputation as the angry guy who no one wants to work with, and that’s a label that’s very hard to shake。
5. 工作中耍脾气。工作中偶尔受挫实属正常,但是,如果你大喊大叫、摔门、或指责同事,事情就升级了。结果呢?被同事冠以过于情绪化的名声,没人愿意跟这样的人共事,而且这样的标记很难抹去。