澳电台恶搞英王室酿悲剧 受骗护士自杀身亡

2012年12月10日15:07  沪江英语 微博   

  The chairman of the Australian radio network at the heart of a hoax call targeting Prince William's pregnant wife has called the apparent suicide of one of the nurses duped by the prank "truly tragic."澳大利亚之声谎冒电话询问凯特王妃孕情,造成牵涉其中的一名护士自杀身亡。澳大利亚广播网络的主席近日对此事做出回透露凯特王妃怀孕情况护士自杀身亡新浪教育 应,表示因为恶作剧造成的死亡事件“非常不幸”。

  "It is too early to know the full details leading to this tragic event and we are anxious to review the results of an investigation," Southern Cross Austereo's Max Moore-Wilton wrote Sunday in a letter to the head of King Edward VII's Hospital in London。涉案之声属于澳大利亚的南十字星广播集团。该集团主席麦克斯·摩尔-威尔顿周日在致伦敦德华七世国王医院主席的信中这样写到:“现在还不清楚导致悲剧事件的完整细节,但我们承诺会审查检讨整个事件过程。”


  The hospital, where a nurse apparently committed suicide after being duped by two DJs from Australian radio station 2DayFM, has condemned the radio station in a strongly worded letter。伦敦德华七世国王医院的一位护士在澳大利亚2DayFM之声的主播恶作剧电话后,疑似因此自杀身亡。事件发生后,医院方面措辞强硬,致信谴责该之声的恶劣行径。

  The DJs, impersonating Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, called the hospital Tuesday and gained information about the condition of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge -- which they subsequently played on air。周二,该之声的两名主播冒充英国女王伊丽莎白二世和查尔斯王储,致电医生询问凯特王妃的怀孕近况,后来还将整个对话的音频发布出来。

  On Friday, the nurse who transferred the call through to the ward, Jacintha Saldanha, was found dead。周五,当时将电话转接入病房的值班护士萨尔达尼亚被发现死在宿舍中。

  The fallout from Saldanha's death has stretched from Britain to Australia -- with questions being raised about how far is too far in the effort to find out details about Catherine's pregnancy。萨尔达尼亚死亡事件的影响从英国蔓延到了澳大利亚,人们纷纷质疑:媒体通过这样的方式挖掘凯特王妃怀孕的细节,是不是太过了?

  The two Australian DJs behind the practical joke, Mel Greig and Michael Christian, have come under fire, with some using the phrase "blood on your hands" to condemn their actions on the Sydney-based radio station。拨打恶作剧电话的两名澳大利亚主播分别叫梅尔·格雷格和迈克尔·克里斯蒂安,在事件发生后也遭到了民众的谴责。甚至有人用“手上沾满鲜血” 来谴责他们的行为。2DayFM 之声的总部位于悉尼市。

  The DJs have since apologized, and "mutually decided" to go off the air for an undetermined period, Rhys Holleran, CEO of the Southern Cross Austereo media group, said Saturday during a news conference。这两名主播也在事件后道歉。澳大利亚南十字星广播集团行政总裁里斯·霍勒伦在周六的新闻发布会上表示,他们会被无限期停职。

  But he defended the legality of the station's action, saying he was "very confident that we haven't done anything illegal."不过他也为之声的行为进行了辩护,表示“相信之声并没有做任何违法的事情。”

  Prince William and his pregnant wife Kate told how they are 'deeply saddened' by the tragedy. A Palace spokesman said the couple had not made a complaint about the prank call. 威廉王子夫妇发表声明,对萨尔达尼亚的死“深表哀悼”。王室发言人还强调,他们没有就恶作剧事件向院方投诉过。

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