James Gallaugher, a 12-year-old Australian, is being hailed the next Usain Bolt by some media outlets after a video began circulating of the young sprinter in action. James catches and then speeds by a relay rival 20 meters ahead of him in the New South Wales primary schools championships.12岁的澳大利亚少年詹姆斯·格拉赫在当地的一次小学运动会中一鸣惊人,被很多媒体誉为是“下一个博尔特”。在网络流传的视频中,我们可以清晰地看到一位年轻的短跑选手新星正在冉冉升起。在澳大利亚新南威尔士州某小学的运动会上,詹姆斯飞快地赶上并超过领先他20多米的对手。
James, who is from Ulladulla, has run an official electronic time of 11.7 seconds in the 100 meters, which EuroSport pointed out would have won the 1896 Olympics and "is faster than any recorded in Australia or the United States" for his age。根据官方记录,在这场4x100的接力赛中,来自小镇阿勒达拉的詹姆斯在最后一棒的100米跑完全程仅用了11.72秒。根据欧洲体育台的说法,这个成绩完全可以赢得1896年的奥运会金牌。在他的年龄段里,他的成绩也超过了澳大利亚和美国全部有记载的记录。
"He is a freak and I mean that in the very best way," James' coach, Scott Richardson, said in the article。詹姆斯的教练斯科特·理查德森在文章中这样评价他:“他就是个怪物,不过我指的是他非常非常棒!”
James appears to be a genuine prodigy. Richardson said he began working with the lad just last year, after James nearly won an Australian national championship without proper coaching, the Daily Telegraph notes。詹姆斯看起来真的是一位天才少年。根据《每日电讯报》的报道,理查德森是在去年开始指导这个年轻人的,在那之前, 没有接受过正规训练的詹姆斯差点在澳大利亚的一项国家级赛事中赢得冠军。
"He has just got the build and the legs and just the natural propensity to running with a good technique without much interference," the coach told the paper。教练对该报纸表示:“他的身材非常适合跑步,特别是腿部。他自己也对跑步非常热爱,没有受到太多的外界干预,很有技巧和能力的一个孩子。”
More than one of Australia's rugby league teams are monitoring the football mad kid, too, presumably with an eye to picking up and developing an unstoppable winger。詹姆斯对足球疯狂热爱,据悉澳大利亚现在不止有一只橄榄球联盟球队在观察这个少年,他们已经在打算挑选并把他培养成一位势不可挡的边锋。
But they may be too late already, as Gallaugher's head appears to have been turned towards the track. "Footy is more fun because you play with your mates but I want to be a runner," he said. "It just feels good to be in front."不过他们可能下手已经迟了,因为詹姆斯的兴趣已经转向了跑道。他说:“足球运动的确更有趣,因为你是跟队友一起合作。但我更想成为一名跑步运动员。跑在前面的那种感觉非常棒。”