
2013年01月19日16:36  沪江英语 微博   


安妮·海瑟薇进化路线 安妮·海瑟薇进化路线
The Princess Diary premiere 电影《公主日记》首映式 The Princess Diary premiere 电影《公主日记》首映式
The Devil Wears Prada premiere 电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式 The Devil Wears Prada premiere 电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式
Costume Institute gala 时装学院庆典 Costume Institute gala 时装学院庆典
68th Golden Globes after-party 68届金球奖派对 68th Golden Globes after-party 68届金球奖派对
One Day London premiere 电影《一天》首映式 One Day London premiere 电影《一天》首映式
Sightseeing at New York 纽约街拍 Sightseeing at New York 纽约街拍
Late Show with David Letterman 做客《大卫·莱特曼深夜脱口秀》节目 Late Show with David Letterman 做客《大卫·莱特曼深夜脱口秀》节目
Les Misérables New York premiere 电影《悲惨世界》纽约首映礼 Les Misérables New York premiere 电影《悲惨世界》纽约首映礼
70th Golden Globes Awards 70届金球奖颁奖礼 70th Golden Globes Awards 70届金球奖颁奖礼

  “The Devil Wears Prada”《穿普拉达的女魔头》

  It wasn't until 2006 when Anne Hathaway played The Devil Wears Prada's lovable Andy Sacks that we started keeping an eye on her wardrobe。

  2006年安妮·海瑟薇出演了电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》里人见人爱的Andy Sacks,也是直到这时后我们才开始关注她的衣橱。

  Check out our gallery of Miss Hathaway's style journey from elegant on the red carpet, to sleekon the street, with one or two mishapsalong the way!


  The Princess Diary premiere 电影《公主日记》首映式

  This is the appearance of Anne at the beginning of her career. 19 years old actress wore a strapless purple dress while attending the premiere of her first ‘Princess Diaries’。


  The Devil Wears Prada premiere 电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式

  Anne Hathaway wore this Valentino FW2006 dress to the The Devil Wears Prada NYC Premiere. 安妮·海瑟薇出现在《穿普拉达的女魔头》首映式现场,她的礼服来自Valentino的2006年秋冬系列。

  Costume Institute gala 时装学院庆典

  At the 2010 Costume Institute gala, Hathaway glowed in a strapless nude glittering Valentino dress.2010年的时装学院庆典,安妮·海瑟薇穿着一件Valentino的裸色无肩带亮片礼服,大放异彩。

  68th Golden Globes after-party 68届金球奖派对

  At the InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globes party in 2011, she wore a gold and slinky Giorgio Armani Privé dress。在2011年InStyle和华纳兄弟金球奖派对上,安妮·海瑟薇穿着一件金色贴身的阿玛尼高级定制礼服。

  One Day London premiere 电影《一天》首映式

  With old-school glam tresses, Anne is gleaming against the red carpet in this lacy, tea-length Alexander McQueen dress。迷人的老派经典卷发和这条长及脚踝的Alexander McQueen连衣长裙,让安妮·海瑟薇在红毯上分外闪耀。

  Sightseeing at New York 纽约街拍

  Stepping out in New York, we think these trendy black Ray Bans coupled with Anne's short crop polish off an edgy look。走在纽约的街上,安妮·海瑟薇这副时髦的雷朋墨镜搭配上她超短的头发,将她打造得非常前卫。

  Late Show with David Letterman 做客《大卫·莱特曼深夜脱口秀》节目

  Taking inspiration from Catwoman's black suit, the Anne Hathaway wore a head-to-toe black look. Her Stella McCartney sleeveless knee-length dress with fringe details falling across the bodice and back is from the Resort 2013 collection。安妮·海瑟薇从头到脚都是黑色,她的灵感来自于《蝙蝠侠》中猫女的黑色套装。她身穿一件无袖及膝连衣裙,裙子的前后装饰有流苏,来自于Stella McCartney的2013年度假系列。

  Les Misérables New York premiere 电影《悲惨世界》纽约首映礼

  Hathaway looked stunning in a black silk Tom Ford dress and high sandals at the Les Misérables New York premiere on Dec。

  在12月10日《悲惨世界》首映式上,安妮·海瑟薇穿着Tom Ford的黑色丝质裙装和高筒凉鞋,看起来美极了。

  70th Golden Globes Awards 70届金球奖颁奖礼

  Anne walked her cute pixie cut down the red carpet in a snow white Chanel gown encrusted in glittering crystals. The structured top flared out delicately at the waist, and Anne kept her jewelry simple with unobtrusive bracelets。


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