拍摄这组图片,爱尔兰摄影师Fran Veale并没有花大价钱去请名犬,他只是在街头寻找普通的狗狗,问主人能否邀他们去家里拍照,接下来就是想办法给狗狗套上衬衣,有时还要打领带,让它们乖乖坐在餐桌上。"
这组一本正经的肖像照展示了汪星人最新的穿衣潮流。拍摄这组图片,爱尔兰摄影师Fran Veale并没有花大价钱去请名犬,他只是在街头寻找普通的狗狗,问主人能否邀他们去家里拍照,接下来就是想办法给狗狗套上衬衣,有时还要打领带,让它们乖乖坐在餐桌上。
Dublin photographer Fran Veale has shot a set of portraits of dogs showing off the latest in canine couture. Fran spotted these dogs in the street and asked their owners if he could shoot them。
Dublin photographer Fran Veale has shot a set of portraits of dogs showing off the latest in canine couture. Fran spotted these dogs in the street and asked their owners if he could shoot them。
Dublin photographer Fran Veale has shot a set of portraits of dogs showing off the latest in canine couture. Fran spotted these dogs in the street and asked their owners if he could shoot them。