To celebrate ‘The Oscars‘ which aired this past Sunday, ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live‘ introduced a parody
of one of the biggest winners of the awards ceremony, ‘Life of Pi‘, wi
th a “sequel” entitled ‘Life of Psy‘, a life which doesn’t end too well at that。为了庆祝在上周日举行的奥斯卡颁奖礼,美国脱口秀节目《吉米·坎摩尔秀》就对颁奖礼上的赢家之一,电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》进行了一番恶搞,为其拍了一个续集叫《Psy的奇幻漂流》,不过这里的主角最后的命运可不太好。South Korean rapper PSY faces a tiger during American late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live. Hit the YouTube video titles “Life of Psy” from the post Oscars episode with Jimmy Kimmel to see the fate of Gangnam Style dancer。在这个深夜脱口秀的这集“奥斯卡特别节目”中,韩国歌手与一只老虎正面遭遇。点击视频《Psy的奇幻漂流》,你就可以知道这位因为《江南Style》而一炮而红的歌手命运。
The ‘Life of Pi’ “sequel” shows Psy as the protagonist
stranded at sea with just two things, a tiger and a boombox which only plays his hit song “Gangnam Style“. Although some K-pop fans found the video to be offensive to Psy’s success, Psy, himself, gave his stamp of approval as he retweeted the link to the video。在《少年派的奇幻漂流》的续集预告中,主角Psy被困海上,身边只有一只老虎和一个一直放他自己的歌曲《江南Style》的印象。虽然有一些韩国乐迷觉得这个视频有些攻击歌手Psy的意思,但Psy在推特上还是以转发视频的形式表示了支持。