
2013年03月08日10:29  沪江英语 微博   

  Many company's events or parties are in the night and many women go out with their dates after a long working day too。大多数公司的聚会和派对都在夜间举行,所以OL们往往得在工作了漫长疲惫的一整天后直接赶往聚会地点。

  It is important to carry your style for the day to the night. If you do not have time to go home and change, wear your night out outfit frock to work but tone it down in the day by throwing on a jacket. A good way to charge up your look for that date or party is to pile on the accessories once night falls。无论白天黑夜,保持有型很重要。假如下班后来不及回家换装,那就把礼服穿去工作吧!只要在外面披件马甲就行。夜间打扮加分的小诀窍:多戴些饰品。

  Start the day with a slinky pencil dress as it is back on trend. It looks traditional and demure enough for the day and yet eternally chic and sexy in the night with fashion jewelry. If it is not your style to be too glitzy or sparkly sequins, a flowing, dramatic chiffon tunic can also do the trick。一条紧身铅笔裙是个不错的选择。它看上去传统又端庄,适合工作日;而一旦夜幕降临,那些时尚的珠宝饰品又能衬得它时尚而性感。假如小亮片之类的不是你的菜,那也没关系,光滑的薄绸上衣照样能使你惊艳全场。

  Clothes make the man and yet it is the accessories that set your outfit apart from day to night。人靠衣装,这话是没错。不过可别小看了饰品,它们才是能把OL素女摇身变为派对女王的神奇物件。

  Pointy-toe Heels Shoes尖嘴高跟鞋

  Change your shoes to a pair of pointy-toe high heels shoes. They remain an icon of style and are best for evening parties. The extra length of the shoe's point alters the proportion of the foot and makes it appear slim and sexy. You will look extremely sexy with these shoes。换双尖嘴高跟鞋吧。它们是时尚的象征,也是最适合夜间派对的装备。尖嘴鞋拉长足部的线条,使双脚显得纤细而性感。穿上它们一秒变身性感女神。

  Choker or cuff Necklaces宽项链或宽领链

  If you would like to spice up your day outfit for night, look for choker necklaces that are elaborate

  in shape, colours and length. Cuff necklaces can also be suitable for someone with long neck. They will definitely inject glamour into your outfit。其实在工作装上动动手脚就能将其改装成派对妆扮,试试形状、颜色和长度合适的宽项链或宽领链吧。长颈美人尤其合适。它们会让你熠熠生辉。

  Glitzy/Embellished jackets亮片马甲

  If you are wearing a rather plain outfit for the day, adding on an embellished jacket for the night can be ideal. You may team it with jeans for a sophisticated look or a little black dress for the evening sparkle. Glitzy jackets can be flexible piece of outfit。假如工作日穿得很普通,到了晚上可以搭配一件亮闪闪滴马甲。要想显得利索,那就配条牛仔裤;要想显得更女人味儿点,那就来条小黑裙。亮片马甲在很多时候都是理想搭配。

  Clutch bags手包

  Clutch bags are ever-versatile, they have the sophisticated and yet classic look. Clutch bags can be used for work, when going shopping or for a glam night out. They complement every outfit and are the perfect designs to go from day to night. To make a statement, you may use an embellished designed clutch bag。手包这玩意儿超百搭的,因为它既精致干练,又是经典搭配。工作的时候可以用,购物血拼可以用,晚上派对也可以用!所以手包真可谓所向披靡。所以夜生活的时候不妨拿只设计感较强的手包,衷心建议。

  Fashion Earrings耳环

  A nice pair of earrings which is larger, brighter and more daring will spice up any simple outfit. Earrings can also draw attention to your face as well. There are many different types of earrings for you to explore, from drop earrings to studs depending on your face shape. In terms of designs you may also choose according to your outfit or personality from pretty trendy baubles to "Chandellier" earrings to timeless white gold studs with glittering diamonds。一副大而闪亮、抢眼的耳环能立马让你全身一亮,此外,耳环的另一大功能是吸引从各处射向你脸庞的目光。耳环的款式有很多选择,比如水滴吊坠、耳钉等等,总之按脸型挑吧。耳环的材质也应该和着装以及你本人的性格搭配,比方讲有的人适合街头潮流新款,而有的人则更适合古典型,或是白金、钻石耳钉一类的。

  Cocktail Bling Ring适合鸡尾酒会的戒指

  A big cocktail bling ring with colourful Swarovski crystal, diamonds or unpolished rock can add glamour to your outfit。一只镶嵌着彩色施华洛世奇水晶、钻石、或是别的什么石头的大戒指无疑能助长你的魅力。

  Make-up that you can wear for the night-out可以参加聚会的精致妆容

  Finally, how to freshen up your make-up for your date after a day at work? If your skin is oily, spritz some facial mist and blot away with tissue or use an oil blotter to absorb excess sheen. First of all, use a fluffy powder brush to dust on over areas where the make-up has worn off. Go for heavy burgundy/black smoky eyes for a little more dramatic eye-make up and choosing two eye shadows to use that blend. If your eyes are making a statement, tone down the lips. Go for a warm nude shade colour. Lastly touch up your brows to give a polish appearance。最后,如何在疲惫的工作日结束后,令脸上的妆容焕然一新?如果你是油性肌肤,喷点喷雾,然后用吸油纸或纸巾把多余的油光吸走。用粉饼刷把掉了妆的部分先补上,然后画个烟熏妆,让眼睛看上去更灼人闪亮些(记得要选择合适的眼影色来互相搭配)。眼部补妆完成后,接下来是嘴唇了。建议使用暖色调的裸系唇彩。最后,刷刷睫毛,焕然一新。

  You will be at your best look for your date or party. Go and enjoy yourselves。现在,OL已经成功变身为派对女王了。好好享受这个属于你的夜晚吧!

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