
2013年03月15日14:48  中国网    

  U.S. space agency NASA announced Tuesday that its Curiosity rover has discovered evidence that Mars could have supported a habitable environment several billion years ago。

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover.NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover.

    An undated handout artist's concept made available by NASA on Dec. 4, 2012 showing NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars' past or present ability to sustain microbial life, examining a rock on Mars with a set of tools at the end of the rover's arm, which extends about seven feet (two meters). Media Reports on Dec. 4, 2012 state that NASA has announced plans for a robust multi-year Mars program, including a new robotic science rover set to launch in 2020. [Photo: CFP]

    Scientists identified sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon -- some of the key chemical ingredients for life -- in the powder Curiosity drilled out of a sedimentary rock near an ancient stream bed in Gale Crater on the Red Planet last month.

  "A fundamental question for this mission is whether Mars could have supported a habitable environment," said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. "From what we know now, the answer is yes."

  Clues to this habitable environment come from data returned by the rover's Sample Analysis at Mars, and Chemistry and Mineralogy instruments. The data indicate the Yellowknife Bay area the rover is exploring was the end of an ancient river system or an intermittently wet lake bed that could have provided chemical energy and other favorable conditions for microbes. The rock is made up of a fine grain mudstone containing clay minerals, sulfate minerals and other chemicals. This ancient wet environment, unlike some others on Mars, was not harshly oxidizing, acidic, or extremely salty.

  Scientists plan to work with Curiosity in the Yellowknife Bay area for many more weeks before beginning a long drive to Gale Crater's central mound, Mount Sharp. Investigating the stack of layers exposed on Mount Sharp, where clay minerals and sulfate minerals have been identified from orbit, may add information about the duration and diversity of habitable conditions.

  Curiosity, loaded with the most-sophisticated instruments ever used to explore another world, touched down on the Red Planet on Aug. 6 last year. It will use its 10 instruments to investigate whether conditions have been favorable for microbial life and for preserving clues in the rocks about possible past life.

John KleinJohn Klein

    A handout image provided by NASA on Feb. 10, 2013 shows the hole in a rock called 'John Klein' where the rover conducted its first sample drilling on Mars, Feb. 8, 2013. The drilling took place on Feb. 8, 2013, or Sol 182, Curiosity's 182nd Martian day of operations. Several preparatory activities with the drill preceded this operation, including a test that produced the shallower hole on the right two days earlier, but the deeper hole resulted from the first use of the drill for rock sample collection. [Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS / HANDOUT/CFP]

Rocknest Wind DriftRocknest Wind Drift

    NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, seen here in an image released by NASA, documented itself in the context of its work site, an area called "Rocknest Wind Drift," on the 84th Martian day, or sol, of its mission (Oct. 31, 2012). [Photo: CFP]



    麦克·迈耶(Michael Meyer)是美国宇航局总部火星探测项目首席科学家,他表示:“此次探测任务要回答的一个关键性问题便是:火星是否曾经存在宜居环境?就我们目前掌握的线索来看,答案似乎是:是的。”



    大卫·布莱克(David Blake)是美国宇航局埃姆斯研究中心的化学与矿物分析仪首席科学家,他表示:“粘土矿物构成了这些样本中的至少20%。”这些粘土矿物是相对新鲜的水与火成矿物相互作用时产生的,如橄榄石,这种矿物同样存在于这些沉积岩中。这样的反应应当发生于沉积物中,或许是在沉积物搬运过程中,或者是在沉积物来源地。在沉积岩中发现的硫酸钙和粘土矿物证明这里的土壤环境呈中性或轻微偏碱性。


    保罗·马哈菲(Paul Mahaffy)是SAM设备的首席科学家,来自美国宇航局戈达德空间飞行中心。他说:“迄今我们在样本中检测出的化学成分令人印象深刻,硫酸盐和硫化物等矿物的存在可能构成足以维持微生物生存的化学能源环境。”接下来好奇号还将进行数次钻探来确认SAM设备此次检测出的几种微量气体。

    约翰·格洛岑科(John Grotzinger)是美国宇航局火星科学实验室项目科学家,来自加州理工学院。他说:“我们刚刚发现了一个非常古老的,却又令人意外地非常年轻的‘灰色火星’,这个火星拥有适宜生命生存的环境。”他表示:“好奇号火星车正在进行发现和探索之旅,作为一个团队,我们意识到在前方,在未来数月或者数年时间里还将有更多令人兴奋的发现在等待着我们。”




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