
2013年03月22日11:58  新东方在线 微博   

  We all have difficult people in our lives. You’ll find that it’s hard to get along with them. Here are a few secrets to keep your cool when you deal with that kind of people in your life.  人一生中总会遇见难打交道的人。你会发现很难与他们相处。以下几个秘诀能助你在生活中面对这类人时保持淡定。

  1.Know your bottom lines。知道自己的底线。

  Once you have your list of those bottom lines, you are ready to arm yourself. Create a response plan, so when the conversation gets dangerously close to one of your bottom lines, you can practice deep breathing, take a short time out, and walk away from the conversation。


  2.Don’t talk actively。不要积极交谈。

  If you are having a conversation with a difficult person and you just want it to end, repeat some unimportant words over and over. You can keep repeating “That’s just your opinion” and “Perhaps you’re right”, instead of talking actively. Eventually the person will probably give up trying to get you to join an argument。


  3.Resist the temptation to get sucked in an argument。抵制被卷入争执的诱惑。

  When difficult people want to engage you in an argument, don’t fall in that trap. Stop justifying, arguing, defending, or explaining your position, otherwise the conversation will just continue to go around in circles without any results。


  4.Try to know about difficult people。尝试了解难以相处的人。

  You should realize difficult people are human, and are dealing with their own worries and shortcomings. Figure out what unconscious beliefs may be behind someone’s difficult behavior, and try different ways to help them get their emotional needs met, instead of bearing that behavior any longer。


  Get past your reactions to difficult people so that you can be able to do your part in building a calmer and more productive relationship。


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