Find yourself reaching for a cup of coffee whenever you need a pick-me-up at the office? Instead of fueling the caffeine fix, bring in a motivating poster to do the trick. We've put together encouraging words — from famous quotes to punny sayings — that you can keep at your desk all year-round. Whether they give you that boost to take you to the top or help you out when you're having a rough day, we have no doubt they'll get the job done。
Live your life in bold。大胆去活!
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.——Dr.Seuss脑袋在自己的脖子上,脚在自己的鞋里,未来怎么走把握在你自己的手里。——苏斯博士(美国最受欢迎的儿童作家)
Work hard. Play hard. 努力工作!使劲玩!
Whatever you are, always be a good one。不论你做什么,先做个好人。
Today is the day。就在今天!
You never fail until you stop trying。在你放弃努力之前,你永远都不会失败。
Do what you love, love what you do。做你所爱,爱你所做。
Stay hungry, stay foolish。求知若渴,虚心若愚。
Lettuce turnip the beet。生菜萝卜甜菜。(这句话是一个双关语,快速读一下这三个词是不是特别像“Let us turn up the beat” ?让我们打起节拍吧!)
It's not about ideas, it's about making ideas happen。想到什么不重要,重要的是想到就去做。
Make today ridiculously amazing。让今天变得无比疯狂!
Work hard and be nice to people。认真工作,友善待人。
If you're making mistake, it means you're out there, doing something。犯错意味着你没闲着。