
2013年04月15日10:57  沪江英语 微博   
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情
夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情 夏洛克第三季片场照透大量剧情

  With the production of season three of Sherlock well underway, fans breathed a sigh of relief that their favourite sleuth was back from the dead。


  But it seems the incident of his 'fatal leap' in series 2 will be revisited as Benedict Cumberbatch was seen back at St Bartholomew's Hospital ready to jump from the lofty heights again for the cameras。


  Gearing up to take the plunge, The Reichenbach Fall was remembered once more。


  The actor looked stoic as he mentally prepared himself for the stunt。


  Dressed in the same blue tartan scarf and black overcoat of Sherlock from the series 2 finale, Benedict fell forward, twisting in mid-flight to face the heaven's above。

  Falling: Sherlock was thought dead as he plummeted to his 'death' in the last series。坠落:在上一季中,当夏洛克从空中垂直坠落时,大家都以为他死了。

  Safety first: Luckily a big blue inflatable was in place to catch Benedict's fall。安全第一:拍摄现场准备了蓝色气垫,以承接本尼迪克特的坠落。

  There was much orchestration before Benedict leapt off the blue structure, as he was seen talking to crew members from above on a walkie talkie。在本尼迪克特坠落到蓝色气垫前还有很多协调工作,图为本尼迪克特与现场工作人员通过对讲机交流。

  Cumberbatch watches his stunt double take the fall。本尼迪克特关注自己的替身的坠落动作。

  At one point, Benedict was placed in a harness to recreate the mid-fall sequence。在某段拍摄中,本尼迪克特被吊在半空中。

  With the heavy rain falling, one of the crew handed Benedict an umbrella while he was hanging out。随着雨越下越大,一位工作人员给吊在半空中的本尼迪克特一把雨伞。

  Drawing a crowd: Dozens of fans stopped to watch the thrilling scenes being filmed。数十名粉丝围观“卷福”这一惊险场景的拍摄。





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