Ever wanted an educational video to teach your children how different members of the animal kingdom eat? Well, this YouTube hit isn’t so much about that, as the art of being a brilliant straight man。想要一个教育视频,演示给你的孩子们看各种动物是怎样进食的?这个YouTube热门视频可能帮不上什么忙,这个视频展现的是表演艺术:如何做一个最佳的搭档谐星。
The minute-long clip has already garnered almost 22 million views on the video-sharing site since being posted. 这个时长一分钟的视频自从发布到视频分享网站YouTube后,吸引了近2200万的用户观看。
While one friend quietly and politely enjoys his dinner, his buddy very crudely acts out how animals eat their food, such as a cow, alligator, kangaroo, and more. 视频中一个男子在文雅地静静享受晚餐,而他的同伴却带来了一连串非常粗鲁的表演,演示动物们是如何进食的,模仿的动物包括奶牛、鳄鱼、袋鼠还有很多。
‘I’m in love with this video!! The guy that keeps the straight face almost the whole time is so cute!! ’ said one user。一位用户回复道:“我好爱这个视频!里面那个一直严肃板着脸的家伙好可爱!”