
2013年05月03日10:58  沪江英语 微博   

  Karl Pillemer of Cornell University interviewed nearly 1500 people age 70 to 100 for his book “30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans。” He asked them what life lessons they’d pass on. What piece of advice were they more adamant about than any other? More adamant about than lessons regarding marriage, children and happiness?

  康奈尔大学的Karl Pillemer在他的著作《30个人生教训》中采访了1500个人,年龄从70岁到100岁不等,询问在他们一生中学习到的人生教训。在那些人生教训中,他们最坚持的是哪一个?是什么样的人生教训甚至比婚姻,孩子和幸福更令他们坚持?

  Do not stay in a job you dislike。不要留在你不喜欢的行业里。

  You know those nightmares where you are shouting a warning but no sound comes out? Well, that’s the intensity with which the experts wanted to tell younger people that spending years in a job you dislike is a recipe for regret and a tragic mistake. There was no issue about which the experts were more adamant and forceful. Over and over they prefaced their comments with, “If there’s one thing I want your readers to know it’s . . 。” From the vantage point of looking back over long experience, wasting around two thousand hours of irretrievable lifetime each year is pure idiocy。


  What else did they have to say about career?关于职业生涯,这些过来人还说了什么呢?

  1. Choose a career for the intrinsic rewards, not the financial ones。

  The biggest career mistake people make is selecting a profession based only on potential earnings. A sense of purpose and passion for one’s work beats a bigger paycheck any day。


  2. Don’t give up on looking for a job that makes you happy. According to the experts, persistence is the key to finding a job you love. Don’t give up easily。


  3. Make the most of a bad job。

  If you find yourself in a less-than-ideal work situation, don’t waste the experience; many experts learned invaluable lessons from bad jobs。


  4. Emotional intelligence trumps every other kind. Develop your interpersonal skills if you want to succeed in the workplace. Even people in the most technical professions have their careers torpedoed if they lack emotional intelligence。


  5.  Everyone needs autonomy. Career satisfaction is often dependent on how much autonomy you have on the job. Look for the freedom to make decisions and move in directions that interest you, without too much control from the top。


  Another point worth making is advice the older folks consistently did not give:另一个值得一提的重点是那些老人们始终没有提出的建议:

  1.No one— not a single person out of a thousand— said that to be happy you should try to work as hard as you can to make money to buy the things you want。


  2.No one— not a single person— said it’s important to be at least as wealthy as the people around you, and if you have more than they do it’s real success。


  3.No one— not a single person— said you should choose your work based on your desired earning power.3.没有一个人说,你应该根据你渴望得到的赚钱能力来选择工作。

  Now it may sound absurdly obvious when worded in this way. But this is in fact how many people operate on a day-to-day basis. The experts did not say these things; indeed almost no one said anything remotely like them. Instead they consistently urged finding a way to earn enough to live on without condemning yourself to a job you dislike。


  This might be a lot to remember and ask yourself on a daily basis. What’s a quick litmus test to determine if you’re on the path to happiness or regret?这或许是一件必须牢记并每天质询自己的事情。就如一张检验你是在通往幸福还是悔恨的道路上的石蕊试纸一般。

  You should ask yourself this: do I wake up in the morning looking forward to work?你要问自己这句话:当我在清晨起来时,我是否向往着工作?

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