
2013年05月23日11:19  沪江英语 微博   

  Series producer Frank Doelger told Radio Times in a recent interview that he expects the HBO fantasy drama to run seven seasons. "[The number of seasons] is being discussed as we speak. The third season was the first half of book three, season four will be the second part of book three. George R.R. Martin has written books four and five; six and seven are pending," he said. "I would hope that, if we all survive, and if the audience stays with us we'll probably get through to seven seasons."《权力的游戏》制片人Frank Doelger最近在接受Radio Times采访时说,他预计《权力的游戏》最好有7季。“这个问题我们之前讨论过。第三季讲的是原著第三部书的前半部分,而第四季则将会讲述第三部书的后半部分。George R.R Martin(原著作者)已经完成了第四和第五部的写作,第六和第七部也正在计划之中”他说:“我希望,如果我们这部剧能够继续被续订,如果观众支持的话,我希望这部电视剧能拍7季。”

  For starters, author George R.R. Martin has planned seven books in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, on which Game of Thrones is based, but the sixth and seventh books are not yet complete. The books could end up being very long and too difficult to adapt into one season each. Also, since it is known that Season 4 will only cover the second part of the third book, does that mean that Season 5 will combine the fourth and fifth books? Those books cover the same period of time, just with different characters, which is why it might make sense to put them together。作为这个《权力的游戏》的原作者George R.R Martin预计,原著《冰与火之歌》系列将会由七本书组成,但是目前第六和第七本书都还没有完成。每部书的内容都很多,很难做到一季演完一本书的内容。另外由于第四季将会讲述第三部书的后半段,那么是不是意味着第五季将会是原著第四和第五部的结合版?因为这两本书里讲述的是同一个时间段,只不过是主要角色不同,因此我们猜测第四和第五本书的内容可能会结合到一起。

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