
2013年05月24日14:17  新浪教育 微博   



  The computer game's concept is relatively simple. Find thematching motor vehicle and road sign amid a series of increasingdistractions. Succeed and the challenge gets quicker andharder.


  Cognitive-training games like this one, Double Decision, aredesigned to improve brain functions and are at the center of agrowing body of research looking at their effectiveness asscientists strive to find ways to ward off the cognitive declinesthat usually come with age。


  A government-funded study published this month found thatplaying Double Decision can slow and even reverse declines in brainfunction associated with aging, while playing crossword puzzlescannot. The study builds on an earlier large trial which found thatolder people who played various cognitive games had betterhealth-related outcomes, driving records and performed better ateveryday tasks such as preparing a meal。


  Such research has led groups like AARP, the big seniors group,to jump on board and offer discounts for certain games that haveshown proven benefits。


  Doctors who work with the elderly say they get many questionsabout so-called brain games and exercises. Despite promising studyresults, some doctors say there still isn't enough evidence toprove such exercises will help people in everyday life。


  'What they do is they train you with a computer program to dobetter on a test' of cognitive function, said BarbaraMessinger-Rapport, director of the Center for Geriatric Medicine atthe Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. 'But does that mean you do better onreal-life activities that utilize those skills such as driving . ..or managing your medications?'

  美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰医院(Cleveland Clinic)老年医学中心主任芭芭拉 梅新杰 拉波特(BarbaraMessinger-Rapport)说:“他们所做的无非是通过电脑程序来使得老人在认知测试上有较好的表现,但这并不意味着你在现实生活中也具有同样的认知能力,比如开车或者管理药物。”

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