
2013年05月27日11:05  沪江英语 微博   
奥巴马机密手机曝光:揭秘1800万美元定制的总统神机 奥巴马机密手机曝光:揭秘1800万美元定制的总统神机
奥巴马机密手机曝光:揭秘1800万美元定制的总统神机 奥巴马机密手机曝光:揭秘1800万美元定制的总统神机

  奥巴马曾被称为“黑莓总统”,竞选期间黑莓不离手,上任后也一度坚持将黑莓留在白宫。但最终因为黑莓手机达不到安全标准,不得不换上国安局为其打造机密手机Sectera Edge。现在就和小编一起来看看奥巴马的神机都有哪些特别之处。

  President Obama is keeping his BlackBerry, according to the White House press office. While he'll be able to keep in touch with some personal friends using the device, if he wants to do secret government business he'll need one of two Windows CE smartphones: the Sectera Edge or the L3 Guardian。白宫新闻办公室表示,奥巴马总统仍然在继续使用他自己的黑莓手机,他可以用这部黑莓跟亲朋好友联系,但如果他要处理保密的政府公务,他就需要用两部装载了Windows CE系统的手机,Sectera Edge或者L3 Guardian。

  The Edge and the Guardian are the result of an $18 million, NSA-sponsored program to develop a top-secret smart phone, according to Randy Siegel, Microsoft's lead enterprise mobility strategist。根据微软公司移动业务策略师兰迪-希格尔透露,这两部手机是美国国家安全局一项研发高端绝密智能手机项目的产物,该项目耗资1800万美元。

  Most BlackBerrys and Windows Mobile devices can work with "sensitive, but unclassified" data, according to Tom Liggett, the Sectera Edge product manager at General Dynamics. Those smart phones work with the FIPS 140-2 standard, which encrypts both data traffic and voice calls to a certain extent. And there are a lot of government functions, even in war, that aren't classified. In Iraq, for instance, FIPS 140-2-certified Windows Mobile devices are used for battle triage, roadside bomb detection, and even as sniper aids, Siegel said.Sectera


  But about 300,000 Americans have access to a secret, controlled Internet called SIPRNet, the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network. What's on there? It's classified. And the Edge and the Guardian are the only smartphones that can tap into it。在美国,有约30万人可以连接到一个名为“秘密互联协议路由网”的网站。网站里有什么?上面的内容都是机密,目前只有Sectera Edge和L3 Guardian手机能连上这个网络。

  The Edge runs Windows CE, not Windows Mobile. Windows CE is the underlying kernel of Windows Mobile, but the Edge has more secure applications lying on top than the standard Windows Mobile suite. It can still do most of the things Windows Mobile devices do, Liggett said, including push email with Microsoft Exchange servers, playing media through Windows Media Player and editing Microsoft Word documents. 另据介绍,Sectera Edge手机在Windows CE系统上运行,这一系统基于Windows Mobile系统,但其应用程序比后者更安全,不易被窃取。当然,这部机密手机还是可以实现大多数Windows Mobile系统原有的功能,比如收发电子邮件、用播放器播放媒体文件,以及处理文档。

  The Edge can also switch to an unclassified mode. How it does the trick is, apparently, classified. But by pressing a button, you can instantly call up entirely separate "classified" and "unclassified" systems. Each system has its own calendar, applications, data and voice calling. The system you aren't using waits in the background, ready for action with the press of a button. That would prevent Obama from having to carry a separate BlackBerry to talk to his friends and family。这款手机还可以切换成非机密模式。具体的操作原理显然也还是机密。但是只要在手机上按下一个按钮,就可以在“机密”和“非机密”系统之间切换。每个系统都有独立的日历、应用程序、数据和语音呼叫资料。被切换下的模式则在后台随时待命。如此一来,奥巴马总统就不需多带一部黑莓手机用来联系亲朋好友了。

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