Who's ready for summer!? Getting your body ready for the warm weather can be a dreaded challenge, and although going to the gym is important for staying in shape, following a proper diet is even more important. Here are my top tips for getting your body healthy and prepared for the warm summer days ahead。夏天要来了,都准备好了!?让你的身材为火热的天气做好准备可能是一项令人畏惧的挑战,尽管去健身房对保持体形而言是很重要,但遵循一份合理的饮食安排更为重要。这里是给我给大家推荐的小贴士,让你保持身体健康,并让你为炎炎夏日提前做好准备。
1. Salad Savior沙拉救世主
We all suffer from salad boredom, but if you kick your salads up a notch, it is a great way to get in your veggies and protein. Just mix two cored, diced apples with the juice of one lemon. In a bowl, combine large chunks of watermelon, one head of sliced endive, four chopped celery stalks and one tablespoon of walnut oil. Mix together with the the apple and lemon juice. If you don't have walnut oil, you can substitute for a healthy, flavorful olive oil。我们都吃过单调乏味的沙拉,但如果你让你的沙拉提高下档次,这会是一种搭配蔬菜和蛋白质的极好方式。用柠檬汁混合搅拌两个去核切成小方块的苹果,在一个碗里把大块大块的西瓜、切片的莴苣头、四块芹菜茎和一大汤匙的核桃油放一起,然后把这些与苹果和柠檬汁混合搅拌。如果你没有核桃油,你可以使用健康、美味的橄榄油代替。
2. Make Snacking Finite 吃零食要限量
Having a healthy snack that comes already portion-controlled is a great way to limit your snacking. One tasty chocolate cup only has 120 calories and is filled with delicious sunflower butter. It is also a perfect option for anyone with a nut allergy!份量适度的零食是一种限制零食摄入的不错的方式。一杯美味的巧克力杯只有120卡路里的热量,里面还有美味的向日葵黄油。对于任何坚果过敏者来说,这也是一种完美的选择!
3. After Dinner Snack Attack餐后点心来袭
If you are a dessert-lover, try making your own frozen yogurt. Just freeze a cup of your favorite Greek yogurt and let it thaw a few minutes before eating. If you want to try some fun flavors and don't want to freeze it yourself, I love Yasso frozen Greek yogurt bars。如果你爱吃甜点,试着自己制作冷冻酸奶。就冰冻一杯你最爱的希腊酸奶,让它融化几分钟后再吃。如果你想尝试一些有趣的口味又不想自己去冰冻,我喜欢去亚索冰冻希腊酸奶吧。
4. Push Back Dinner晚餐延后
If you tend to eat an early dinner and find yourself snacking the night away, try eating a later dinner so you are not as hungry and can keep the snacking to a minimum。如果你吃晚饭的时间往往很早,你会发现自己晚上会去吃零食,尽量把吃晚餐的时间点延后,那样你就不会饿着,吃的零食也最少。
5. Leader by Breakfast 早餐先行
Start your morning off right, and the rest of the day will follow. If you start your day with a healthy breakfast like two hard-boiled eggs and a banana, it is easier to stay healthy throughout the rest of the day。正确开始你的早晨,这一天就会紧随其后。如果你以健康的早餐饮食比如两个煮熟的蛋和一根香蕉开始你的一天,那么在这一天余下的时间里,就更容易保持健康状态。
6. Drink Up! 喝了!
I can't stress enough how important it is to drink water, and I don't mean the flavored stuff. Good, old-fashioned water can help cleanse the body and actually keep you full. I recommend drinking one liter before lunch。我再怎么强调喝水的重要性也不为过,这里我不是指那些有味道的饮品。水可以帮助清清肠胃,实际上也能让你有饱腹感。我推荐午餐前喝一升水。
7. Portion Control 控制份量
Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. Make sure to keep your portion sizes in check. Try eating off of a smaller plate. Filling up a smaller plate rather than a large one will keep your brain satisfied while keeping the calories down。你的眼睛比你的胃要大。请一定要不断检查你的食物份量,尽量吃小份量的。用小盘而不是用大盘点菜,既能让大脑满意又可以控制卡路里的摄入。
8. Bread Is the Devil 面包是魔鬼
Like I always say, bread is the devil. I know it is hard, but eliminating processed carbs like white bread and rice will help keep your figure at its best. 就像我经常说的,面包是魔鬼。我知道这很困难,但消灭加工过的碳水化合物如白面包和米饭,将有助于保持你的身形在最佳状态。
9. Don't Forget Fiber别忘了补充纤维
Filling up on foods that are high in dietary fiber will not only help keep you fuller longer, but is a great tool to help you lose weight. Try getting your fiber first thing in the morning with your breakfast. 吃富含膳食纤维的食物不仅有助于让你有更持久的饱腹感,更是帮助你减肥的一个极好的工具。清晨吃早餐时要做的第一件事就是食用纤维。
10. Skip the Cocktails不喝鸡尾酒
We all know how tempting frozen margaritas and daiquiris can be, but eliminating those sugary drinks will save you tons of calories. If you feel the need to have a drink, go for a bottle of light beer or a vodka and soda with a splash of lime。我们都知道,冰镇玛格丽塔和代奇力(两种鸡尾酒名)都有多诱人,但戒除饮用这些含糖酒水会避免增加好几吨卡路里。如果你觉得有需要喝点什么,就喝一瓶淡啤酒或伏特加,或柠檬汁汽水。