
2013年06月26日12:15  沪江英语 微博   
《绯闻女孩》女星因争夺抚养权破产 《绯闻女孩》女星因争夺抚养权破产
《绯闻女孩》女星因争夺抚养权破产 《绯闻女孩》女星因争夺抚养权破产

  Kelly Rutherford is feeling the financial pinch thanks to her ongoing bitter custody battle with ex-husband Daniel Giersch。由于旷日持久地和前夫丹尼尔争夺孩子的抚养权,凯莉·卢瑟福已经受到了很大的财政压力。

  The Gossip Girl star has blown through all her savings and her situation has become so dire that she has been forced to file for bankruptcy TMZ is reporting。据TMZ报道,这位《绯闻女孩》女星已经花光了所有积蓄,她的状况十分糟糕,不得不向银行申请破产。

  As OKMagazine.com previously revealed, Rutherford, 44, lost primary custody last year of son Hermes, 6, and daughter, Helena, 3, to her German-born ex, who now lives in Monaco, France, after he was forced to leave the U.S. following visa issues.OK杂志之前报道,44岁的卢瑟福在去年失去了6岁儿子赫尔墨斯和3岁女儿海伦娜的监护权,由她的德国前夫抚养两个孩子。他之前因签证问题被迫离开美国,现住在位于法国南部的摩纳哥。

  Rutherford's bankruptcy documents reveal she has spent a whopping $1.5 million on legal fees so far as she battles her ex in court。卢瑟福在破产文件中透露,她和前夫为争夺抚养权在法庭上花费了高达150万美元的律师费。

  "I've spent every penny," she said. "Every penny from Gossip Girl, my pension, my stocks has been spent fighting for my children."“我花光了每一分钱,”她说,“我拍摄《绯闻女孩》的片酬、我的退休金、我的股票都花在了争夺孩子的抚养权上。”

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