
2013年07月02日14:20  沪江英语 微博   
新“超人”约会《生活大爆炸》女星 新“超人”约会《生活大爆炸》女星
新“超人”约会《生活大爆炸》女星 新“超人”约会《生活大爆炸》女星

  British actor Henry Cavill is rumoured to be dating The Big Bang Theory star Kaley Cuoco。据传英国演员亨利·卡维尔正在和《生活大爆炸》女星凯莉·库柯约会。

  The pair are said to be 'totally hot for each other' after both recently moving on from their respective partners。据说两人“彼此打得火热”,不就之前他们都和自己的伴侣分手了。

  Man Of Steel actor Cavill, 30, split from Fast & Furious 6 actress Gina Carano in May, while things also fizzled between Cuoco, 27, and musician Bret Bollinger.30岁的卡维尔最近刚主演了《超人:钢铁之躯》,5月他和《速度与激情6》的女星吉娜·卡拉诺结束了恋爱关系;27岁的库柯同样经历感情失败,和音乐人布莱特·布林格分手。

  Henry and Kaley are keeping their romance on the quiet at the moment, Us Weekly reports.US WEEKLY报道,目前亨利和凯莉对他们的恋爱关系保持低调。

  However, Kaley did drop a bit of a hint recently when she shared a picture of herself looking at a Man Of Steel poster on June 14.然而,凯莉还是留下了一点线索,她在6月14日发布了一张她看着《超人:钢铁之躯》电影海报的照片。

  She wrote the accompanying caption urging her fans to go and see the rebooted Superman movie, raving: 'It's fantastic in every way.'她还附带写了些文字号召她的粉丝们去观看这部新的超人电影,她说:“(这部电影)在每个方面都十分精彩。”

  Sources told Us Weekly that Cavill is a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory and has 'always wanted to date her'。有知情人士透露,卡维尔一直是《生活大爆炸》的铁杆粉丝,而且他也“一直想和凯莉·库柯约会。”


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