
2013年07月03日14:14  沪江英语 微博   

  小编推荐: 年中了,职场人除了为如何写年中总结而烦恼,还要为到底要不要和老板谈加薪而纠结。很多上班族都不知道如何要求加薪,生怕加薪不成反被裁员。下面介绍十大秘笈,助你成功加薪!

  1.Negotiate in person1.面谈加薪事宜

  Studies that have shown that you are six times more likely to achieve your goal in a negotiation if you make face to face contact with your manager。研究表明,如果你与经理面谈的话,那么你在谈判中成功的概率就会高出六倍之多。

  2.Ask how the manager thinks you're doing2.询问经理对你工作的看法

  Before making a case that you are a superstar, ask the manager how they perceive your contribution to the firm。不要急着向经理证明自己工作得多么出色,先问问他们是如何看待你对公司所作的贡献的。

  3.Ask what you need to do to merit a raise3.询问需要做些什么才能获得加薪

  Inquire about the company’s standards for issuing raises。咨询一下公司有关加薪的标准。

  4.Prepare a memo documenting your achievements4.把自己的成绩记在备忘录上

  Keep records of the strides you made over the last year, and any compliments from colleagues and superiors。把过去的一年中自己取得进步,来自同事或上级的表扬都记录下来。

  5.Use your past achievements to make a case for the future5.用过去的成绩来证明自己的未来

  Instead of suggesting you deserve a reward for past performance, argue that your record shows how valuable you will be going forward。与其要求奖励自己过去的表现,不如用过去的良好记录证明自己未来大有前途。

  6.Volunteer to work extra shifts or switch departments6.自愿加班或换部门

  Make it clear you are eager to meet your company’s needs, whether that means working weekends or nights, or changing teams。清楚地表明自己愿意服从公司安排,无论是周末或晚上加班,还是去其他团队工作。

  7.Let your manager take the lead on talking numbers7.由经理率先开口说具体加薪多少

  Your argument should be that a raise is only fair, given the value you will add to your company. Allow the manager to name the dollar amount。你只需要说明,考虑到自己对公司所做的贡献,自己的加薪要求是合理的。至于具体加薪多少,就由经理开口来说吧。

  8.Ask whether you deserve a pay cut8.询问如果自己薪水减少是否合理

  If your raise discussions stall, ask your manager if they think you deserve to make less than you have been making. Point out that inflation is effectively lowering your salary。如果你的加薪谈判碰到了僵局,那就问问你的经理,如果自己来年挣得比现在要少是否合理。要向经理说明,由于通货膨胀的关系,如果不加薪的话,你的薪水实际上是在减少。

  9.Ask about intangibles like vacation and transportation costs9.要求非实物奖励比如假期和交通补贴

  If the company can’t give you a straight raise, suggest extra vacation days or perks like a car allowance。如果公司不能直接给你加薪,那就要求获得额外假期或者福利,比如车辆补贴。

  10.Gather intelligence from an older colleague10.向老员工打探情报

  Especially if you’re new to an office, it’s useful to bond with someone who has been there a long time and can tell you how others have gotten raises in the past。向在公司里工作了很长时间的老员工打探情报是很有用的,尤其对新员工来说。你可以问问看别人都是怎么获得加薪的。


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