Photographer Butch Hogan has finally released his photoshoot with his longtime pal and one of our favorite vampires – Ian Somerhalder. The photo shoot took place a little over a year ago in May and we’re finally getting to see the beautiful photos。摄影师布奇·霍根终于曝光了他给多年老友、我们最爱的吸血鬼之一——伊恩·萨默海尔德拍摄的照片。这组惊艳的照片是去年5月拍摄的,现在我们终于可以一饱眼福了。
Ian tweeted in May, “Shooting pictures with my longest NY bro and mentor Butch Hogan. His website goes up in a week with some of these images.”当时伊恩曾发推说:“我正在和我相交最久的纽约兄弟、我的导师布奇·霍根拍照片,他要是在自己网站上放出这些照片一周内流量就会猛增。”
In the first few shots, we see Ian posing for the camera fully clothed and even being playful peeking through a hole in his shirt. If you continue to go through the photos, you’ll see that he eventually loses that shirt and ends up in a bathtub and eating Chinese food in bed. Sexy!在刚开始几张,我们可以看到伊恩穿着衣服在镜头前摆造型,甚至还调皮地透过T恤上的洞偷看。如果你继续看照片,你会看到伊恩的半裸照,然后就是在浴室的全裸照,还有在床上吃中餐的照片。性感吧!