
2013年07月05日15:31  沪江英语 微博   
小贝携全家参加校园运动会 小贝携全家参加校园运动会
小贝携全家参加校园运动会 小贝携全家参加校园运动会
小贝携全家参加校园运动会 小贝携全家参加校园运动会
小贝携全家参加校园运动会 小贝携全家参加校园运动会

  Every year, parents head to their kids' schools to watch them take part in their annual summer sports day, and it was no different for the Beckham brood, who enjoyed the company of both their mother and father on Wednesday afternoon。英国的家长[微博]每年都会去到孩子的学校和他们一起参加夏季运动会,贝克汉姆一家当然也不例外。周三下午,贝克汉姆家的孩子们在父母的陪伴下享受了一个温馨的运动会。

  Ever the competitor, David, 38, proved himself to be the fatherly champion as he won the dad race in front of the whole student body.38岁的贝克汉姆证明了自己是父亲中的冠军,他在全体学生面前赢得了父亲赛跑第一名。

  However, rather than just stand on the sidelines, Victoria, 39, proved she wasn't too Posh to take part, throwing off her heels to take on fellow celebrity parent Stella McCartney in a foot race。这次贝嫂也没有站在场外,39岁的维多利亚不仅没有打扮得很时髦,还脱掉了高跟鞋参加了竞走,虽然败给了另一位名人母亲斯特拉·麦卡特尼(甲壳虫乐队Beatles成员之一保罗·麦卡特尼的女儿)。

  Sadly Victoria didn't manage to beat Stella, 41, but from the smile on her face, just taking part was all that mattered as she caught back her breath while the crowd of watching parents and kids cheered her on。虽然维多利亚没能打败41岁的斯特拉,但是从她脸上的笑容可以看出,能参与其中她已经很开心。休息片刻后,贝嫂又在人群中为孩子们欢呼加油了。


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