
2013年05月17日14:09  沪江英语 微博   

  英格兰球星贝克汉姆日前宣布将在赛季末退役,这一消息引起了全球媒体的关注。在巴黎的Le Bristol 酒店,他第一时间接受了好友、昔日曼联队友加里▪内维尔《天空体育》的专访。在曼联开始职业生涯时两人曾是室友,如今小贝对加里敞开了心扉。



  Gary Neville: You’ve just announced your retirement. Why now?加里·内维尔:你刚刚宣布退役,为什么选在这个时候?

  David Beckham: I think over the years when I’ve seen players retire, when you ask them about it, they always say ‘you’ll know when you’re ready’. And I think I know when I’m ready. I think I’m ready. Obviously it’s a difficult decision because I still like I can play at the top level and still have done for the last six months. But I always said to myself that I want to go out at the top. If you’d said to me eight months ago that I’d be playing in the French league, winning the French Cup, winning the league, and finishing like this, I would have said ‘absolutely no chance’. But I was given the opportunity to come to PSG and I just feel now is the time。大卫·贝克汉姆:这么多年,我看到过很多球员退役,我问他们的时候,他们总是说,当时候到了,你会知道的。我想现在是时候了。这当然是一个艰难的决定,因为我感觉自己仍能发挥最高水平,就像过去这六个月一样,但我一直悄悄对自己说,我想要达到顶峰时离开。八个月前,如果你告诉我,我会来法甲联赛踢球,并且赢得法国联赛杯取得法甲联赛冠军,然后急流勇退离开赛场,我会说绝对不可能,但我后来得到了进巴黎圣日耳曼的机会,现在我只是感觉,是时候(退役)了。

  GN: You think or you know?加里:这只是你的主观判定,还是确定就是现在退役?

  DB: I think. I love the game so much, you know how much we love the game, but I just feel… I dunno. It’s the right time, I believe it’s the right time. But I’ll always feel like I can do more, that’s the problem。大卫·贝克汉姆:主观判定吧。我很喜欢足球运动,这你也知道,但我就是感觉……说不清楚。我相信现在选择退役正合适。但我总感觉我还能做得更多,这就是问题所在。

  GN: When did that moment come? When did it hit you?加里:那你是什么时候萌生退役想法的?

  DB: Probably when Messi was running past me! No. I actually don’t know. I just feel I’ve been so lucky throughout my career, the fact that I’ve played for the clubs I’ve played for, the players that I’ve played with, all the trophies that I’ve won, playing in the MLS last season and winning the championship there, then coming to PSG and winning the French league here, I think it’s a good way to go out。大卫·贝克汉姆:可能是被梅西过掉的那一瞬吧!不对,其实我也不知道。其实我的足球事业一直很幸运,曾经效力的俱乐部待我很好,一起踢球的队友也十分友善,我还拿到了许多奖杯,赢得了上赛季美国职业足球联盟的冠军,然后我加入巴黎圣日耳曼,在这里赢得法甲联赛冠军。所以这时候离开也很合适。

  GN: You’ve always gone out on a high. At United winning the league, Madrid, LA Galaxy, is it important to you that you’ve left PSG as a winner?加里:你一直都是个出色的球员,不管是在曼联、皇马还是洛杉矶银河。所以说,你认为以一个冠军的身份离开巴黎圣日耳曼十分重要吗?

  DB: It’s every athlete’s dream, it’s every footballer’s dream to go out on the top, on top form or winning a trophy. It doesn’t happen that often. But I’ve lucky. Obviously, when I left United we won the league, when I left Madrid we won the league, leaving the Galaxy, we’d done two years of winning the championship there, and then obviously coming here and winning the league, it’s nice to go out like that. You’re leaving as a champion and that’s why I think it’s the right time。大卫·贝克汉姆:这是每个运动员的梦想,每个球员的梦想,能在顶峰时或是赢得了奖杯后告别,我很幸运,当我离开曼联时,我们是英超冠军;当我离开皇马时,我们赢得了西甲,离开银河时,我们连续两年拿到联赛冠军;然后在巴黎,又赢得了联赛冠军。能这样告别是件好事,可以作为一个冠军离开,所以我认为现在是合适的时机。

  GN: How do you want to be remembered?加里:那你希望别人如何看待你呢?

  DB: I just want people to see me as a hard-working footballer, someone that’s passionate about the game and someone who every time I’ve stepped on the pitch I’ve given everything that I have, because that’s how I feel. I think over the years, my life and my career, people have looked at other things that have gone on, and sometimes I think that’s overshadowed what I’ve done on the pitch or what I’ve achieved. As much as I say that doesn’t hurt me, of course it does. I’m a footballer that’s played for some of the biggest clubs in the world, played with some of the best players in the world, played under some of the biggest and best managers, and achieved almost everything in football, so it hurts when people think about other things. To come to the end of my career now and look back and say I’ve achieved everything with every club I’ve played for, played for my country 115 times, been runner-up twice in the World Player of the Year, I’m very proud of that。大卫·贝克汉姆:我只希望人们能把我视为一个努力的球员,一个对于足球比赛充满激情的人,一个一旦踏上球场就会倾力付出的运动员,因为我就是这样看待自己的。这么多年,人们显然会看到一些其他方面的东西,我整个职业生涯都有这个经历,有时候,这会给我在场上的表现、以及在场上取得的成就蒙上阴影,我总说这伤害不到我,但实际上这当然会伤害我。我效力过世界上最大的俱乐部,和世界上最好的一些球员合作过。我为一些最好的教练踢过球,几乎取得了足球领域的一切成就,当人们质疑这些时,当然会令人痛苦。但到了职业生涯的终点,我可以回头看看,说自己在每家俱乐部都取得了成就。我还为我的国家出场了115次,两次在世界足球先生评选中获得第二名,我对此非常骄傲。




  贝克汉姆中国行武汉站 表演踢球不幸摔倒

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