We see no end of people who spend hours pouring over their bullet points but fail to rehearse properly for the presentation。我们看到无数的人把时间花费到幻灯片制作上,而疏忽了演讲前适当的训练。
It’s obvious – rehearsing – isn’t it? But it’s also a bit of a drag and one that is easy to forget. It is probably the most common mistake of all presentations that I have seen。演讲前应该进行排练不是显而易见的事吗?但这让人感觉有些累赘并且很容易就忘了。这也是我见过的大多数演讲都会犯的错误。
You wouldn’t dream of going to see a Shakespeare play at the RSC only to find that they hadn’t properly learnt the script. You wouldn’t dream of going to the opera to hear the band play out of time because they hadn’t got round to rehearsing properly. Yet in presentations and in speeches we see this happening all the time.Rehearsing could make the difference between a good and an average presentation。你无法想象英国皇家话剧团不看剧本就上台演出莎士比亚的话剧。你也无法想象一场歌剧因为演员逃避练习而使演出超时会是什么情景。但是在演示或演讲中这些情况时有发生。排练就是精彩的演讲和平庸的演讲的分水岭。
1. Plan to rehearse your presentation out loud at least 4 times.1. 大声练习四次以上你的演讲
We suggest that you should rehearse at least four times, and if you can get word perfect so much the better. I know that you haven’t got the time, but we have seen so many presentations that have been let down due to a lack of rehearsal。我们建议你在演讲前最少排练4次,如果你能够吃透每个字的意思,那就更好了。我知道时间紧迫,但是有很多演讲,其失败的原因就是因为缺少应有的练习。
Make sure that one of your rehearsals is in front of a really scary audience - family, friends, partners, colleagues; children. They will tell you quite plainly where you are going wrong – as well as providing you with the support that you need。确保你的练习至少有一次是在那些会让你惊慌失措的观众面前进行——家人、好朋友、伙伴、同事、还有孩子。他们不仅会明确地指出你的错误,而且还会向你提供所需的帮助。
2. Rehearse against the clock2. 训练控制时间
If you have to give a presentation in a short period of time then try to practice your presentation against the clock. This is particularly true with something like the five minute job presentation. You can add in parts from the script or take them out to fit the time. Allow extra time in your presentation for questions and watch out for nerves – this could mean that you talk faster on the day。如果你要做一个短时间的演讲,那么试着通过练习控制你的演讲时间,尤其像5分钟工作汇报这样的事。你可以增加或删除内容来让时间变得合适,允许额外的时间用来提问。也要注意紧张的问题,因为紧张会让你在演讲的时候语速更快。
In the actual presentation you could take in a clock or take off your wrist watch and put it on the podium. This way you can see how the timings can develop。在实际的演讲中你可以带一个计时器或者摘下你的腕表放在讲台上,这样你就能更好地掌握时间了。
3. Take a leaf out of Winston Churchill’s book – memorize your script.3. 借鉴温斯顿-丘吉尔的经验–熟记你的演讲稿
He is widely attributed as being one of the great speakers. It took him six weeks to prepare his Maiden Speech in the House of Commons and he learnt it word perfect。温斯顿-丘吉尔被公认为是世界上最伟大的演说家之一。他用6周的时间准备在英国国会下议院的第一次演讲,并对演讲的内容了然于胸。
4. Video or tape record yourself4. 给自己录像或录音
A very simple trick that could help you with your performance is to video or tape record yourself. This will give you some immediate feedback and will enable you to fine tune your performance。想提升你的练习效果有一个简单易行的方法就是把你练习演讲的过程录下来(录像或录音),通过观看录像或听录音会给你最直接的反馈,能够使你找到自己演讲的调调。