Daisy Lewis is on her way to Downton Abbey.Daisy Lewis要参演《唐顿庄园》了。
According to The Daily Mirror, the British actress (Doctor Who) will play a "prominent" character on Season 4 of this smash hit, coming on board in the role Tom Branson's live-in nanny。.《每日镜报》报道,英国演员将会在热播英剧《唐顿庄园》中出演一个重要角色,这个角色是Tom Branson请的保姆。
But be warned, fans of Lady Sybill: Lewis may end up taking care of more than just Tom's baby... if you know what we mean!喜欢Sybill小姐的亲们注意:这个保姆照顾的可不止Tom的宝宝而已.。.你们应该懂这是什么意思吧!
"Her romance with Tom will be one of the main storylines of the series," a source tells the newspaper. "He will begin to develop feelings for her and they start a secret affair... Tom will have an even bigger role in the new series after becoming the estate manager of Downton."“她和Tom的爱情将会是剧集的重要故事线,”知情人士表示。“他会对她有爱意,然后开始一段地下恋.。.在成为唐顿的管理人之后,Tom这个角色在新季中将会变得更加重要。