
2013年07月17日14:27  沪江英语 微博   
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面
《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面 《国土安全》男女主角登VOGUE封面

  Her career seemed to be on an unassailable high after she scooped an Emmy Award for her titular role in HBO drama Temple Grandin back in 2010.在2010年因主演HBO电影《自闭历程》而获得艾美奖最佳女主角后,克莱尔·丹尼斯的事业看上去达到了一个不可思议的高度。

  But Claire Danes's acting career went on to stall so badly, that she considered giving up。但是,随后她的演艺事业陷入可怕的停滞,一度让她考虑放弃。

  'It was grim. I was very hurt,' she tells Vogue magazine in a new interview. 'Two years of not working was brutal. And a point came where I thought, "I really like interior design." Someone suggested "Maybe your real success is in your personal life."'“这很残酷,我感到很受伤,”在一次最新采访中她告诉VOGUE杂志,“两年没有工作是件残酷的事。有时候我会想‘我真的挺喜欢室内设计的。’有些人就建议说‘也许你真正的成功是在个人生活中。’”

  'It was confusing,' she adds. 'I got a lot of plaudits, and it didn’t translate into more work. I was really, really struggling during that time.'“我很困惑,”她补充道,“我得到了很多掌声,但是却没有转变为更多的工作。那段时间我真的真的很挣扎。”

  Luckily, the 34-year-old star was offered the role of bipolar Carrie Mathison on Showtime drama Homeland。幸运的是,这位34岁的演员得到了Showtime电视台剧集《国土安全》中患有精神疾病的Carrie Mathison一角。

  The series has attracted impressive ratings and given Danes a much-needed boost to her career and raised her British co-star Damian Lewis's profile in the U.S。《国土安全》收获了骄人的收视率,并且在丹尼斯迫切需要的时候推动了她的事业,还提升了剧中与她合作的英国演员戴米恩·刘易斯在美国的知名度。

  The actors both recreate their characters in a more glamorous-than-usual setting - for photographer Annie Leibovitz in the new issue of Vogue. 这两位演员在摄影师安妮·莱博维茨执镜下为最新一期的VOGUE拍摄封面杂志,以一种更迷人的方式重现了他们在剧中的角色。


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