
2013年07月29日12:00  沪江英语 微博   
乔治王子电脑合成照爆红网络 乔治王子电脑合成照爆红网络
乔治王子电脑合成照爆红网络 乔治王子电脑合成照爆红网络

  It wasn't too long after the Duchess of Cambridge announced she was pregnant that artists and forensic experts began coming up with their own impressions of how the world's most eagerly anticipated baby may look。凯特王妃宣布自己怀孕后不久,众多艺术家和法医专家便纷纷预测这个全世界最为期待的孩子将有何种相貌。

  But now Prince George Alexander Louis has been born, one expert has helped to create a computer image of how she thinks the young Royal will look as a teenager.  The handsome adolescent has mousy blond hair, strong eyebrows, his mum's nose and eyes and his dad's mouth and chin. 当乔治·亚历山大·路易出生后,一位专家通过电脑计算展示出她想象中小王子在青少年时期的样子。图中这位帅气的青少年有着金褐色的头发和浓黑的眉毛。鼻子和眼睛长得像妈妈,而嘴和下巴像爸爸。

  The image was produced by Dr D'Lynn Waldron, a portrait artist and photographer from the U.S., who said she took into account 'genetics, lifestyle, personality and environment.'  Dr Waldron has previously produced portraits of Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Shiloh Jolie Pitt and Suri Cruise。这幅图的作者是美国肖像艺术家、摄影家迪林恩·沃德隆博士。她说在预测婴儿相貌时考虑到“基因、生活方式、人物性格、周边环境”等诸多因素。沃德隆博士之前还为戴安娜王妃、玛丽莲·梦露、夏洛伊·朱莉·皮特和苏芮·克鲁斯做过画像。

  'My age-progressed and age-regressed portraits are digitally painted artwork forensically based on all available source materials, including genetics, lifestyle, medical history, personality, environment, and how gravity effects their type of face', said Dr Waldron。沃德隆博士说:“我的年龄增数和减数肖像都是数字绘制作品,根据所有信息来源做出精确推测,包括基因、生活方式、医疗病史、人物性格、周边环境以及重力对脸型的影响因素等等。”

  'My portraits do not predict the future, but only show what it might be in certain circumstances.' It was revealed that the Duchess of Cambridge spent 11 hours in labour。“我的肖像并不是预测未来,只是展示在某种情况下可能的现象。” 消息称凯特王妃从阵痛到自然分娩产下小王子共11小时。


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