
2013年08月05日16:57  新东方在线 微博   
本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚 本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚
本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚 本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚
本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚 本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚
本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚 本威士肖证实已与同性男友完婚

  He has always been notoriously discreet about his private life, but now it can be revealed that actor Ben Whishaw has entered into a civil partnership。本·威士肖是出了名的注重自己私生活的人,但是现在这位男演员被爆已经和男友结合为民事伴侣。

  The 32-year-old star ‘married’ his partner, Australian composer Mark Bradshaw, in Sydney last August。去年8月,32岁的他与身为澳大利亚作曲家的男友马克·布拉德肖在悉尼“完婚”。

  The couple met on the set of Jane Campion’s 2009 film Bright Star, about John Keats’s heartbreaking love affair with neighbour Fanny Brawne before his untimely death from TB。这对恋人是在2009年拍摄简·坎皮恩的电影《明亮的星》时相识的,该剧讲述的是诗人约翰·济慈死于结核病前与邻居芬妮之间令人心碎的爱情故事。

  Whishaw played Keats in the film, while 30-year-old Mr Bradshaw composed the score。威士肖在电影中扮演济慈,而30岁的布拉德肖为影片作曲。

  The actor, widely hailed for his brilliance on stage and screen, thrilled audiences last year with his quirky high-tech take on MI6 boffin Q in the Bond film Skyfall。威士肖在舞台和银幕上一直都有出色表现,去年在电影《007:大破天幕杀机》中饰演军情六处的高智商研究员Q,演技更是使观众赞叹不已。

  His sexuality has been the subject of a lively internet debate in recent years. Speculation was sparked by an interview he gave to the gay magazine Out in March 2011 while playing a homosexual character in an off-Broadway play, The Pride。近几年他的性取向一直都是网络上讨论的热点。猜测源于在2011年3月,他接受了一家同性恋杂志的访问,那时他刚出演了百老汇《骄傲》中一个同性恋角色。

  When the interviewer asked whether it was important for young gay people to have positive role models, Whishaw replied: ‘I feel in my heart that it’s important, but I don’t quite know yet the way to go about that. Maybe that’s the transitional thing I feel I’m in the middle of at the moment.’当被问到这样一个积极正面的典范角色对于年轻的同性恋者来说是否非常重要时,威士肖回答:“我真的觉得很重要,但我并不确定这条路怎样走下去。也许此刻正是人生的过渡期吧。”

  Last night Whishaw’s spokesman confirmed the civil partnership, saying: ‘Ben has never hidden his sexuality, but like many actors he prefers not to discuss his family or life outside of his work. Due to speculation, I can confirm that Ben and Mark entered into a civil partnership in August 2012. They were proud to do so and are very happy.’昨晚威士肖的发言人证实了两人的结合:“本从没掩饰他的性取向,但是和其他很多演员一样,他希望大众关注他的工作,而不是讨论他的家庭和生活。猜测属实,我可以肯定本和马克在2012年8月结婚。他们对此感到骄傲和幸福。”

  A friend of the couple, who live in Hackney, East London, said: ‘Everyone’s delighted for them. Mark’s a lovely guy, very talented and very close to Jane Campion. There hasn’t been a chance for a big celebration because of Ben’s schedule but I’m sure there will be one at some point.’这对新人的一位住在伦敦东部哈克尼的朋友说:“大家都为他们感到高兴。马克是个不错的人,很有天赋,与新西兰导演简·坎皮恩关系很亲近。但是大家还没有机会为他们庆祝,因为本的行程一直都很满,但我相信会有机会的。”


  本·威士肖,英国皇家戏剧学院毕业,生于1980年10月14日,2001年他因为在《My Brother Tom》当中的出色表现获得了英国独立电影奖“最具潜力新人”奖,在2005年,他又凭借着哈姆莱特的角色获得了四项最佳男演员的提名。代表作品有《香水:一个谋杀犯的故事》《我不在场》《明亮的星》。


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