Celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio are newfound fans of jetpacks that propel thrill-seekers up 30 feet in the air, but the devices have now caused a major backlash from nature preservationists。像莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥一样,许多名人成为了水上喷气式飞行器的新粉丝。这一装置能将寻求刺激者推上30英尺高的空中,但如今该装置却引起了自然保护主义者的强烈抵制。
Fisherman, scientists and state officials in Hawaii are now questioning the safety of the jetpacks, and are concerned about how they may affect fish and coral in the state's heavily trafficked tropical waters。夏威夷的渔民、科学家和政府官员们正质疑这款喷气飞行器的安全性,并为这个游戏项目将对州内繁忙热带水域内生活的鱼群和珊瑚造成怎样的影响表示担忧。
A gadget called the Jetlev can lift a person 30 feet high by pumping water from a backpack through a hose connected to a small, unmanned boat。一个叫“水箭背包”的小玩意能够通过从双肩背包里抽水将人举到30英尺高,双肩背包通过一条软管连着一艘无人操控的小船。
Another contraption called the Flyboard, which looks like a small snowboard attached to a hose, can propel riders 45 feet in the air。另一个精巧的装置叫“飞板”,它看起来像一个附着软管的小滑雪板,能把骑者驱向45英尺高的空中。
University of Hawaii coral scientist Bob Richmond told officials he was concerned about the noise the devices make, as fish avoid areas that are too loud。夏威夷大学珊瑚专家鲍勃·瑞奇蒙德告诉政府官员,由于鱼类抗拒太嘈杂的区域,他担心那些设备制造的噪音会对鱼类产生影响。
He's also worried fish and coral larvae could get pumped through some of the equipment the watercraft use and die。他也担心船只使用的一些设备抽水时会不当心抽到鱼群和珊瑚的幼体致其死亡。
Victor Verlage, a 51-year-old corporate executive who donned a Jetlev jetpack while visiting Honolulu from Mexico, compared it to kite surfing but said it's '10 times better.' 'You feel the adrenaline rush,' he said。维克特·维拉赫是一位从墨西哥来的51岁的企业高管,他在火奴鲁鲁旅游时穿上了喷气水箭背包。他说和风筝冲浪相比,这个要好上十倍。“你能感觉到自己的肾上腺素飙升,”他说道。