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2012年11月08日17:26  沪江英语 微博   评论(2人参与)


  Leonardo DiCaprio only just broke up with girlfriend Erin Heatherton, but has he already found a new love interest? The serial dater was reportedly getting close to co-star in new movie 'The Wolf of Wolf Street' Margot Robbie, with witnesses claiming the couple had “strong chemistry”。尽管刚刚与超模女友艾丽·希斯顿(Erin Heatherton)分手,但据外媒爆料,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)已经有了新的恋爱对象。目击者称,桃花运不断的小李和合作女星马格特·罗比(Margot Robbi)间火花不断。两人在马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)的新片《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wolf Street)里饰演情侣。


  The pair were in Las Vegas over the weekend to celebrate the birthday of billionaire businessman Jho Low along with a host of other stars including Bradley Cooper and girlfriend Zoë Saldana, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. The couple, who play lovers in the Martin Scorsese movie, appeared close at the Lavish bash。上周末,两人一同飞赴拉斯维加斯为富商Jho Low庆生。到场的明星情侣还有布拉德利·库伯(Bradley Cooper)与佐伊·索尔达娜(Zoë Saldana),坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)与金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)。据报道,小李和马格特在拉斯维加斯举止十分亲密。

  “There looks to be some strong chemistry between Leo and his leading lady. They spent a lot of time at the party together,” an eye-witness told The New York Post。目击者向《纽约邮报》透露:“莱昂和马格特之间似乎火花不断。他们在派对上一直形影不离。” 

  However another source told the paper there is no chance of a romance: “They are shooting a movie and are just friends. There were a lot of people with them celebrating a birthday. That’s it. They are definitely not an item。”但另一则消息称两人并非情侣关系。“他们一起拍摄了电影,只是朋友关系。庆生那天有很多人在场,他们俩肯定不是一对。” 

  Leo recently split with girlfriend of under a year, supermodel Erin Heatherton。小李刚刚和交往近一年的超模女友艾丽·希斯顿分手。 

  A few months back it seemed like he was really into Erin. She's smart, beautiful and, importantly, got on with his mum,” a source told TNYP。知情人士透露:“几个月前,他似乎真的很喜欢艾丽。她聪明美丽,最重要的是和他的妈妈合得来。” 

  They are still friends. The timing just wasn't right for them. They still care about each other and remain friends. 现在他们还是朋友,分开只是因为时机不对。他们依旧关心彼此。” 

  Margot Robbie previously starred as Donna Brown in Aussie soap Neighbours before trying her luck in Hollywood, in the now cancelled 60s airline drama Pan Am。马格特在进军好莱坞前曾出演澳大利亚电视剧《邻居》(Neighbours)。后来她出演了ABC台短命剧《泛美航空》(Pan Am)

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最新评论 最热评论 已有1条评论,共2人参与
2012-11-09 11:46:43
昨天刚看了 《逍遥法外》泛美航空够被他折腾了。