
2013年08月14日16:29  沪江英语 微博   
贾斯丁伯比 贾斯丁伯比
贾斯丁伯比 贾斯丁伯比

  He's often seen showing off his torso by going shirtless, especially of late。他经常脱掉衣服,露出身体,尤其在晚上。

  But Justin Bieber shocked his family when he did the full monty during a bizarre nude prank at his grandmother's house in Toronto during Canadian Thanksgiving back in October 2012.但是在2012年冬天,10月的感恩节时,贾斯汀·比伯在多伦多的祖母家门口搞了一个全裸恶作剧,着实把全家都吓到了。

  In photos obtained by TMZ, the 19-year-old is seen covering his private parts merely with an acoustic guitar, jamming out a naked serenade for his granny, Diane Dale。在TMZ网站的照片里,这位19岁的少年仅用一把吉他遮挡住了私密处,给他的祖母戴安娜·戴尔弹奏了一首小夜曲。

  Nude Justin was staying at his grandmother's home in Toronto when the strange incident went down。这件事情发生时,全裸的贾斯汀正在祖母位于多伦多的家里。

  According to the website, Justin had been enjoying a break at her home during the holiday and slept in a little too late on Thanksgiving morning。据网站报道贾斯汀当时正在她家过感恩节,感恩节早上稍微睡过了头。

  Finally waking up after hearing family and friends stirring around the house, he thought he'd play a prank on the unsuspecting clan by grabbing his guitar and playing the naked set。醒来后听到家人和朋友在房子周围,他想到要出其不意地玩一个恶作剧,于是拿起了吉他,上演了这出全裸戏码。

  The pop star went right up to his grandmother and started belting out some impromptu lyrics, singing: 'I Loooove you grandmaaaa ... how are youuuu ... helloooo grandma.'这位流行歌手径直走到祖母面前,开始即兴演唱起来:“我爱……你,祖母……你怎么样……你好……祖母。”

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