Prison Break star Wentworth Miller has come out as gay in a letter rejecting an offer to be honored at the St. Petersburg International Film Festival。《越狱》男星温特沃什·米勒在一份拒绝圣彼得堡国际电影节的信中,正式出柜承认自己是同性恋。
"As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes. However, as a gay man, I must decline," Miller wrote in a letter to festival director Maria Averbakh。米勒在写给电影节主席玛利亚·阿维尔巴赫的信中这样写道:“以前我多次造访过俄罗斯,我甚至可以说自己还有部分俄罗斯血统,这样的渊源我其实很乐意答应前往,但因为我是一名同性恋,我必须拒绝。”
He goes on to cite Russia's recent crackdown on gay, lesbian and transgendered people as his reason for declining the invitation。他在信中继续说明,俄罗斯近日对同性恋和变性人群的镇压是他拒绝邀请的主要原因。