
2013年08月26日10:45  沪江英语 微博   

  Conventional career wisdom holds that dressing like the boss helps advance one's career. But what if the boss is 6-foot-4 and you're 5-foot-6? What if she's lithe and slim and you are curvy? What if he lives in pin stripes and you are a khaki suit guy?传统职场智慧认为模仿老板的穿衣风格有助于事业发展。但是,如果你的老板身高6.4英尺(约1米95),而你只有5.6英尺(1米7)呢?如果她轻盈纤细而你身材丰满呢?如果他只穿细条纹套装而你喜欢卡其色的呢?

  Dressing like the boss when it isn't really your style can make you look and feel uncomfortable. If your boss wears tailored clothes, and you aren't used to dressing that way, you could wear a mix of tailored and casual items, such as a vest or cardigan with a tie instead of a suit。如果老板的穿衣风格和你自己的风格相差甚远,那么模仿老板的风格你就会在视觉上和心理上都感到很别扭。如果老板喜欢剪裁合体的衣服,而你并不习惯那种风格,可以把剪裁合体的衣服和休闲的单品搭配在一起,例如用马甲或是开襟毛衣代替西装,再配上领带。

  And while taking cues from the boss, it's important to maintain a distinct individual style. That will set you apart in the boss's eyes from the obvious people who are pandering. Mimic the boss's look too closely, though, and you will instantly turn off those around you. The boss could even start to think you are a threat。在从老板身上获取灵感的同时,保持自己独特的风格也非常重要。这会让你在老板的眼中独树一帜,与那些一味跟风的人区别开来。过分模仿老板的穿着,周围的人就会对你敬而远之,甚至老板也会觉得你对他构成了威胁。

  Clothes generally won't be the sole determining factor in whether a person moves up the corporate ladder. But it makes a difference. When an employee takes style direction from higher-ups, the company looks at it as a sign of emotional intelligence。一般来说,穿衣风格并不能决定某人能否在公司中获得升迁,但是它却非常重要。如果一个员工仿效了上司的穿衣风格,公司会将这种行为视为情商高的表现。

  The person is aware of their surroundings, aware of the image the company is trying to represent. A manager may look at individuals who aren't sensitive to the style atmosphere and think, 'They don't get it.’员工需要对周围事物敏感,并且理解公司想要展现出的企业形象。一个经理看着那些对于周围人的着装风格并不敏感的人,可能会想:“他们真是拎不清。”

  Ranslating Boss Style解读老板的穿衣风格

  •If the boss is a 'suit only' person, invest in a custom suit, or one with high-quality fabrics. The boss can spot a cheap suit a mile away。如果老板是“非西装不可”的人,就投资一套定制西装,或者是一套面料高档的西装。老板在老远就能认出你的廉价西装来。

  •If the boss is 'business casual,' err on the side of dressing things up. If the boss never wears khakis, jeans or polo shirts, neither should you。如果老板走的是“商务休闲风”,着装过于正式就犯了忌讳。而如果老板从来不穿卡其裤、牛仔裤或者polo衫,你也不要穿。

  •If the boss is dressed up and of the opposite sex, men should wear a suit or blazer and tie. Women should wear a business suit or jacket with a fitted feminine shape。如果老板是一位穿衣正式的异性,男士下属就应该穿西装或者休闲西装并打领带,女性下属则应该穿商务套装或者剪裁合体的外套。

  •If the boss has a style that clashes with yours, incorporate elements of the boss's style without losing your own. Accessories, jewelry or offbeat shoes or socks can reflect your personal style。如果老板的穿衣风格和你的并不相符,就从老板的着装中汲取一些元素而保持自己原有的风格。配饰、珠宝或者有个性的鞋或袜子都能反映出你的个人风格。

  •If the boss has a different body type than yours, make sure your clothes fit well, no matter your size or height. Darker colors can be slimming and more flattering。如果老板的身材与你不同,无论你的身高体重如何,首先要确保衣服合身。深色可以显瘦并且更衬人。

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