When Leon Smith felt a warm body nuzzling his neck in the middle of the night, he naturally assumed it was his girlfriend looking for some late-night love。当里昂·史密斯深夜睡梦中感到有个暖暖的身体蹭着他的脖子时,自以为是女友过来深夜寻爱了。
He was half right: The amorous animal lying beside him in bed did indeed want to cuddle, but unless Smith's girlfriend had recently made fun of a witch, the IT worker was lying next to an honest-to-goodness fox。但他只猜对了一半:这个躺在他床上的多情小生物的确想贴在他身边舒服地睡一觉,但除非史密斯的女友是因为嘲笑女巫受到了诅咒,这个信息技术员身边躺着的是一只货真价实如假包换的狐狸。
"I just couldn't believe it. It was so calm, just staring at me," the 30-year-old London native told The Sun。这位30岁的伦敦本地人对《太阳报》记者说:“我真的不敢相信。它那么气定神闲,就这样直勾勾地盯着我。”
After 10 "tense" minutes, the Frisky Mr. Fox realized nap time was official over and decided to scurry off。“气氛紧张”的10分钟后,这只狐狸先生意识到小睡时间正式结束,跳下床快速逃走了。
Smith said that his midnight caller probably came in through the cat flap, and he might have to remove it to keep the fox from coming back。史密斯说这位半夜造访者可能从猫洞门里钻进来的,他大概需要堵住洞门以防狐狸故地重游。