
2013年09月06日16:37  沪江英语 微博   

  AMC, the University of California Irvine, and educational tech company Instructure are teaming up to offer a massive open online college course to look at a broad range of scholarly topics through the lens of the AMC series, called "Society, Science, Survival: Lessons from AMC's 'The Walking Dead.'" The free, online class will explore all the deeper thematic implications of the zombie show.AMC、加州大学欧文分校以及教育科技公司Instracture三家正打算联合根据AMC热门剧《行尸走肉》推出一款网上公开课,名为《社会、科学、生存:行尸走肉教我们的那些事》。这款免费网上公开课将会根据这部丧尸剧为题教授学生深层次的课程。

  The professors of the course are all from UC Irvine and include professors of physics, public health, and social sciences. 教授这一网络公开课的教授都来自美国加州欧文分校,包括物理学、公共健康学以及社会科学的教授。

  The class starts Monday, Oct. 14, the day after Season 4 premieres. The course is for fun, not for credit, and will span eight weeks. It is open to anyone in the world。这款课程将会从10月14日周一开课,这个时候《行尸走肉》第四季已经开播。这款课程非常好玩,不会有学分,时长8周。这款课程面向全球范围的所有人。

  "The Walking Dead" Season 4 premiers Oct. 13 at 9 p.m. on AMC。《行尸走肉》第四季将会在10月13日晚9点在AMC首播。


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