
2013年07月04日15:24  沪江英语 微博   

  We already knew that The Walking Dead was heading to Comic-Con as part of a special 10-year anniversary that honors its debut as a graphic novel。我们都知道《行尸走肉》将会作为Comic-Con十周年纪念的漫画小说类作品登场。

  But now AMC has confirmed a panel discussion involving those affiliated with the smash cable hit as well, releasing the following poster in honor of the occasion:AMC也趁着这次专题讨论推出了《行尸走肉》第四季宣传海报:

  Details will be available shortly, but for now we can simply confirm The Walking Dead panel will be held on Friday, July 19 in San Diego. It joins other shows at the annual festival such as Once Upon a Time, The Originals, Falling Skies, Teen Wolf.。.很快我们就会知道这幅海报代表什么意义,因为7月19日再圣地亚哥将会有《行尸走肉》的专题讨论会。当天还会有其他美剧参加,如《童话镇》《吸血鬼始祖》《陨落星辰》《少狼》等。


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