女生课堂露大腿作画 被教授高薪聘用(双语)

2013年09月23日16:00  沪江英语 微博   
Her first big creation was Breaking Bad character Walter White's face. It went viral on Reddit and is one of the top results on a Google search for Her first big creation was Breaking Bad character Walter White's face. It went viral on Reddit and is one of the top results on a Google search for "Walter White drawing." Steel's biggest regret is that she didn't put her name on the original, so her viral leg drawing was anonymous... Until now. 她的第一项大型创作是《绝命毒师》中的人物肖像——沃特-怀特。这幅画在新闻网站红迪网上疯传。斯蒂尔最大的遗憾是没能在原画作上署名,所以那张大腿肖像画的照片一直作为无名氏流传网络……但现在不会了。
She's not a tattoo artist, but she's thinking about which of her leg drawings she'll make permanent. This elephant is in the running as one of her favorites. 斯蒂尔不是纹身艺术家,但却在考虑要把哪幅腿上画作永久留在身上,这张大象向前冲的作品就是她的最爱之一。 She's not a tattoo artist, but she's thinking about which of her leg drawings she'll make permanent. This elephant is in the running as one of her favorites. 斯蒂尔不是纹身艺术家,但却在考虑要把哪幅腿上画作永久留在身上,这张大象向前冲的作品就是她的最爱之一。
She does a solid Joseph Gordon-Levitt, too. 她也能画出乔瑟夫·高登的立体图像。 She does a solid Joseph Gordon-Levitt, too. 她也能画出乔瑟夫·高登的立体图像。
She really wants to be a painter. We believe in her, given her prowess with a pen. 她真的想当个画家。看到她超凡的钢笔画技术,我们相信她会实现画家梦的。 She really wants to be a painter. We believe in her, given her prowess with a pen. 她真的想当个画家。看到她超凡的钢笔画技术,我们相信她会实现画家梦的。
She's also creative and is quick with pop culture references. Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones has never looked better. 斯蒂尔富有创造力,也实时紧跟流行文化。《权力的游戏》演员丹妮莉丝·坦格利安看上去从来没这么美丽动人。 She's also creative and is quick with pop culture references. Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones has never looked better. 斯蒂尔富有创造力,也实时紧跟流行文化。《权力的游戏》演员丹妮莉丝·坦格利安看上去从来没这么美丽动人。
Yeah, she's a space cadet in class... 对的,她上课时经常神游太虚…… Yeah, she's a space cadet in class... 对的,她上课时经常神游太虚……
But she got a job out of it. Here, Freddy Krueger rips through her leg. 但她通过作画找到了一份工作。这幅画里,鬼王弗莱迪·克鲁格撕开了她的大腿。 But she got a job out of it. Here, Freddy Krueger rips through her leg. 但她通过作画找到了一份工作。这幅画里,鬼王弗莱迪·克鲁格撕开了她的大腿。
We didn't ask her, but she seems to have a thing for actor Aaron Johnson. Just look at those pursed man lips! 我们没问斯蒂尔,但好像她很喜欢演员亚伦·强森。看看那个男人撅起的嘴唇就知道了! We didn't ask her, but she seems to have a thing for actor Aaron Johnson. Just look at those pursed man lips! 我们没问斯蒂尔,但好像她很喜欢演员亚伦·强森。看看那个男人撅起的嘴唇就知道了!
OK, we have a thing for Thom Yorke though. 好吧,貌似我们对汤姆·约克也有点意思。 OK, we have a thing for Thom Yorke though. 好吧,貌似我们对汤姆·约克也有点意思。

  Jody Steel engaged in school the way many of us did -- while everyone else was learning, she was doodling on her body。乔迪-斯蒂尔过着和大多数人一样的校园生活,但当别人都在学习时,她却在身体上作画。

  The difference between your experience and Steel's is that she was offered a job when her professor caught her slacking. Her leg drawings were so impressive, she says, her professor at Emerson College in Boston hired her to illustrate a novel。斯蒂尔和你的经历不同之处在于,当她被教授发现上课期间走神在腿上画画时,不但没挨批评,还因此得到了一份工作。斯蒂尔说,她的腿上画作很吸引人,就连她在波士顿艾默生大学的教授也雇她专门为一部小说做插画。

  Now the 19-year-old film production student uses her legs as her main canvas. The photos of her appendage

  art -- which utilizes mostly pens and black ink -- is so stunningly intricate that most people think they're tattoos. Steel says she didn't expect the fame she's starting to receive on the Internet。斯蒂尔现年19岁,是一名电影制作专业学生。她经常把大腿当做画布,使用灌有黑色墨水的钢笔画画。照片记录下她的各种“随身”艺术作品,这些画作细致入微,令人称奇,还有许多人认为那些都是纹身。斯蒂尔说她并未想到自己会在网络上那么受欢迎。

  "I really started because honestly, I didn't have any paper around," she told HuffPost . "I was drawing a lot in class, and people began to notice ... I'm just really pale and my skin is most equivalent to paper."她对《赫芬顿邮报》说:“说实话,我刚开始这样做的原因是周围没有画纸。我在课上经常画画,别人也开始注意到这些……我的皮肤很白,几乎和纸差不多。”

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