
2013年10月16日11:27  沪江英语 微博   
There are an endless amount of characters in the workplace。   职场上有各种各样的角色。 There are an endless amount of characters in the workplace。   职场上有各种各样的角色。
The Gullible One。   轻信者 The Gullible One。   轻信者
The Groupthinker。   集体主义者 The Groupthinker。   集体主义者
The Fearful One。   胆小怕事者 The Fearful One。   胆小怕事者
Apathetic Guy。   麻木不仁者 Apathetic Guy。   麻木不仁者
The Sore Loser。   输不起的人 The Sore Loser。   输不起的人
Malicious Gossiper。   恶意的闲话者 Malicious Gossiper。   恶意的闲话者
The Apologizer。   妄自菲薄者 The Apologizer。   妄自菲薄者

  There are an endless amount of characters in the workplace。


  There’s the lady you find in the break room, always on a diet and commenting on your weight (God help you if you are proportionate, she will eat you alive). The guy who shows off way too many baby pictures of his not-that-cute-kid. The girl who stays in her office with the door shut, even during fire drills. And the dreaded over-talker who never gets the hint (which might explain why that one girl stays in her office)。

  休息室那个女人,永远都在节食而且喜欢对你的体重评头论足(假如你不幸身材匀称,那就准备好做她那张利嘴之下的牺牲品吧);初为人父的那个男同事,总是没完没了地炫耀他那不怎么可爱的孩子的照片;永远紧闭办公室大门的那个女孩子,就连消防演习也不出来;还有那个可怕的话痨,从来不知道何时该知趣地闭嘴 (这也许是那女孩子呆在办公室不出来的原因)。

  We all play roles in our workplaces, many of which are unique to only our office. But there’s a standard cast of characters as well. You can find varieties of them anywhere you go, but they all share the same skill sets. They are the ones who will succeed and the ones who will fail。


  In lieu of filling you with fluffy “this is what a successful person looks like” talk, I thought I’d take the opposite route. The following is a list of people who stand out for all the wrong reasons. Fair warning: If you don’t know who this person is at your office, it might be you。


  The Gullible One。


  If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that you should never believe everything a company says. Don’t believe them when they say they don’t expect layoffs (the mere mention of that word suggests they’re on the way). Don’t believe that they’ve offered you the highest salary they can. Don’t believe them when they say they can’t negotiate your raise. And definitely don’t believe them when they say “this year has been really bad, but next year you’re going to get hooked up on that promotion you want!”


  When a boss, HR rep or recruiter (or anyone playing a role in your career and financial success) states something that makes you tilt your head to the side and think “huh…that seems sketch,” don’t just accept it。


  As I’ve said before, the car dealer will act like he can’t budge on a number. But if you stand up and start walking to the door he’ll automatically find a discount for you. Companies are in it for the bottom line even when they’re negotiating things with their employees. They want to encourage you to stick around while also finding a way to save money. And it saves them money to give you a smaller raise, to skip a round of promotions, to make you work through Christmas. Don’t fall for it。


  The Groupthinker。


  Groupthink is a psychological problem that runs rampant in workplaces. Even more if you’ve got a large population of “longtermers” in a corporation. Groupthink is why technology isn’t updated, why policies are outdated, why there’s no new blood (or ideas) on a team, why you hear the sentence “you can’t do that, that’s not how we’ve always done it!”


  It’s easy to spot these people, especially if you’re new to a company. They sit in clumps together and they make bizarre statements in meetings, they do the same things every day and they complain when their life is disrupted by something (or someone) new。


  If you fight against a mass of groupthinkers, you run a high risk of failure, persecution, derailment and tons of frustration. But if you engage and join them, you will become stupid and possibly unmarketable for your next career jump. Take your pick。


  The Fearful One。


  People do ridiculous things when they’re scared. Just ask anyone who’s died in a horror movie (I mean, who drops the phone and runs up the stairs?!)。


  Fearful people will cause you serious amounts of trouble at work. If they’re scared of getting fired, they will find a way to point a finger at you. If their project is failing, they will suggest your role was to blame. Drowning people will grab whatever they can to keep their head above water. Don’t stand too close and become that object。



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