
2013年11月01日19:51  沪江英语 微博   
crystle lake picture crystle lake picture
Josh and Van are pictured holding hands, hugging and kissing in a romantic pastoral setting. 乔什和范在田园美景中手牵着手,拥抱,亲吻。 Josh and Van are pictured holding hands, hugging and kissing in a romantic pastoral setting. 乔什和范在田园美景中手牵着手,拥抱,亲吻。
A sign for Camp Crystal Lake is the only clue that all may not be well in this couple's paradise. 一个水晶湖路牌成为唯一的暗示——他们的伊甸园中将出现不测。 A sign for Camp Crystal Lake is the only clue that all may not be well in this couple's paradise. 一个水晶湖路牌成为唯一的暗示——他们的伊甸园中将出现不测。
Josh and Van stare at each other while relaxing on a picnic blanket. But perhaps they should be paying attention to their surroundings. 乔什和范躺在午餐毯子上,注视着对方。也许他们本应该多留意周围的环境。 Josh and Van stare at each other while relaxing on a picnic blanket. But perhaps they should be paying attention to their surroundings. 乔什和范躺在午餐毯子上,注视着对方。也许他们本应该多留意周围的环境。
Run! Every horror movie has a moment right before the antagonists realize they are being stalked by the killer when the audience yells at the screen for them to get out while they can. This is that moment. 快跑!在每部恐怖电影里都有这样一刻,受害人在意识到自己被杀手追踪前一秒、观众对着镜头尖叫,提醒他们趁还有机会赶紧逃命。这一刻就在这里了。 Run! Every horror movie has a moment right before the antagonists realize they are being stalked by the killer when the audience yells at the screen for them to get out while they can. This is that moment. 快跑!在每部恐怖电影里都有这样一刻,受害人在意识到自己被杀手追踪前一秒、观众对着镜头尖叫,提醒他们趁还有机会赶紧逃命。这一刻就在这里了。
Josh and Van finally notice Jason and their happy photo shoot turns into a nightmare. 乔什和范注意到了杀人狂魔杰森,他们的快乐之旅变成了一场噩梦。 Josh and Van finally notice Jason and their happy photo shoot turns into a nightmare. 乔什和范注意到了杀人狂魔杰森,他们的快乐之旅变成了一场噩梦。
Let's get out of here! The couple flee from a machete-wielding Jason. Will they make it out alive? 我们快逃吧!杰森挥舞着大砍刀,这对情侣试图逃脱。他们能活着生还吗? Let's get out of here! The couple flee from a machete-wielding Jason. Will they make it out alive? 我们快逃吧!杰森挥舞着大砍刀,这对情侣试图逃脱。他们能活着生还吗?
Josh looks almost too scared to move in this shot taken from over Jason's shoulder. 这张照片是从杰森的肩膀后面取景的,乔什看起来似乎害怕的无法行动了。 Josh looks almost too scared to move in this shot taken from over Jason's shoulder. 这张照片是从杰森的肩膀后面取景的,乔什看起来似乎害怕的无法行动了。
Somehow Josh falters and loses pace with Van, quickly becoming prey for a blood-thirsty Jason who stabs him through the chest. 不知怎的乔什绊了一跤,落在范的后面了。他很快被杰森刺穿胸膛,成为嗜血狂魔的猎物。 Somehow Josh falters and loses pace with Van, quickly becoming prey for a blood-thirsty Jason who stabs him through the chest. 不知怎的乔什绊了一跤,落在范的后面了。他很快被杰森刺穿胸膛,成为嗜血狂魔的猎物。
Van manages to momentarily evade Jason and runs for her life. 范得以暂时躲开杰森,慌忙逃命。 Van manages to momentarily evade Jason and runs for her life. 范得以暂时躲开杰森,慌忙逃命。
Van hides in the brush and tries to silence her breathing while Jason searches for his next victim. 范躲在树丛背后,努力屏住呼吸,杰森正在寻找他的下一个被害人。 Van hides in the brush and tries to silence her breathing while Jason searches for his next victim. 范躲在树丛背后,努力屏住呼吸,杰森正在寻找他的下一个被害人。
But like many a horror-film heroine,Van can't resist returning to the side of her love, hoping he'll be alive and she can save him. Unfortunately Jason finds her and kills her too. 但是和许多恐怖电影里的女主角不同,范忍不住回到爱人身边,希望他还活着,希望她能救活他。不幸的是杰森找到了她,将她也杀害了。 But like many a horror-film heroine,Van can't resist returning to the side of her love, hoping he'll be alive and she can save him. Unfortunately Jason finds her and kills her too. 但是和许多恐怖电影里的女主角不同,范忍不住回到爱人身边,希望他还活着,希望她能救活他。不幸的是杰森找到了她,将她也杀害了。
Josh and Van 'die' side by side in one last embrace, their bodies covered in blood - including Van's engagement ring. 乔什和范最后相拥在一起,“死”在对方身边,身上沾满血迹——范的订婚戒指也沾满了血迹。 Josh and Van 'die' side by side in one last embrace, their bodies covered in blood - including Van's engagement ring. 乔什和范最后相拥在一起,“死”在对方身边,身上沾满血迹——范的订婚戒指也沾满了血迹。
Sequel? With such an action-packed engagement photo shoot, who knows what the couple will do for their actual wedding photos. 续集?拍摄出这样有剧情的订婚照片,谁知道这对情侣到时候会拍出什么样的结婚照? Sequel? With such an action-packed engagement photo shoot, who knows what the couple will do for their actual wedding photos. 续集?拍摄出这样有剧情的订婚照片,谁知道这对情侣到时候会拍出什么样的结婚照?

  Josh Morden and fiance Van Lawson have a love story straight off the silver screen. At least that's what their engagement photo shoot shows。


  The Canadian couple decided to shake up the traditional set of romantic pictures by adding a bit of humor and gore。


  Photographer Brandon Gray shot the photos in an idyllic country setting。


  The couple that jokes together, stays together: Van Lawson, left, and her fiance Josh Morden, right, decided to include Friday the 13th killer Jason Vorhees in their engagement photo shoot。



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