As fans are preparing to say goodbye to one of TV’s most popular comedies, How I Met Your Mother, CBS is looking to extend the franchise. I’ve learned that the network is in talks with HIMYM producer 20th Century Fox TV for a spinoff series, which takes a female spin on the original show。
Referred to as How I Met Your Father, it would feature a new group of New York friends and chronicle a female member of the group’s quest to meet her future husband. I hear the new characters could be introduced in the HIMYM series finale, and Ted, Barney, Marshall, Lily and Robin’s favorite hangout, MacLaren’s Pub, may be featured on the new show, serving as a link between the two gangs。
衍生剧暂定名为《How I Met Your Father》,讲述一群居住在纽约市的朋友们的故事,记录这伙人中的一位女孩儿如何邂逅她日后的丈夫的过程。据称该剧的新角色将在《老爸老妈的浪漫史》最终季揭晓,为了体现原剧和衍生剧之间的衔接,泰德、巴尼、马修、莉莉和罗宾最喜欢逛的酒吧——麦克拉伦酒吧也会在新剧中出现。
The premise, which is not tied to any of the original HIMYM characters, gives Bays, Thomas and Spivey a clean slate to build new characters and relationships. The trio, who will co-write and executive produce the spinoff, share a background — they all started in late-night and worked on New York-based late-night shows before transitioning to primetime comedy series。
HIMYM launched its final season with a 3.7 rating and remains CBS’ highest-rated Monday series and the second-highest rated overall behind The Big Bang Theory. This is the second hit comedy series to be exploring a spinoff for next season, joining ABC’s Modern Family, also from 20th TV, which is mulling an offshoot built around the character played by guest star Rob Riggle。
老爸老妈的浪漫史》已经进入最终季,其3.7%的收视率使其跻身CBS电视台周一档电视剧收视率冠军,一周收视率第二,仅次于《生活大爆炸》。这并不是第一次热门情景喜剧在下一季寻找衍生剧。同样来自20世纪福克斯公司的ABC电视台播出的《摩登家庭》,也正在琢磨着指导一部衍生剧,该剧会以原剧中的客串明星罗布 里格尔为中心角色展开。