
2013年12月05日11:24  沪江英语 微博   
What you choose to wear communicates a lot about who you are and how you see yourself. So in the all-important job interview, what color should you wear to make a great first impression? 面试着装非常能反映出你是怎样的人以及你是如何看待自己的。所以在至关重要的面试中,为了留下很好的第一印象,你应该穿哪种颜色的服装呢? What you choose to wear communicates a lot about who you are and how you see yourself. So in the all-important job interview, what color should you wear to make a great first impression? 面试着装非常能反映出你是怎样的人以及你是如何看待自己的。所以在至关重要的面试中,为了留下很好的第一印象,你应该穿哪种颜色的服装呢?
1. Black: Leadership 1. 黑色:领袖型 Black can be seen as unapproachable, but if you wear it correctly, it can also communicate “glamour, sophistication, exclusivity”. Black is a color that is taken seriously. 黑色可能让人感觉不易亲近,但如果把黑色穿好了,它也可以传达出“有魅力、成熟感和独一无二”的信息。黑色被认为是严肃、需要认真对待的颜色。 1. Black: Leadership 1. 黑色:领袖型 Black can be seen as unapproachable, but if you wear it correctly, it can also communicate “glamour, sophistication, exclusivity”. Black is a color that is taken seriously. 黑色可能让人感觉不易亲近,但如果把黑色穿好了,它也可以传达出“有魅力、成熟感和独一无二”的信息。黑色被认为是严肃、需要认真对待的颜色。
2. Blue: Team Player 2. 蓝色:合作型 Blue is one of the best colors to wear on a job interview because is exudes trust and confidence. Studies show that navy blue is the best color for a suit to wear to a job interview, because it inspires confidence. You are more likely to get the job when you wear navy blue to an interview than any other color. 蓝色是选择面试着装时最讨巧的颜色之一,因为这表现出了你是个可以信赖并且有自信的人。研究表明穿深蓝色西装去面试最好,因为它能激发信心。比起其他颜色,你穿深蓝色衣服去面试应聘成功的几率更高。 2. Blue: Team Player 2. 蓝色:合作型 Blue is one of the best colors to wear on a job interview because is exudes trust and confidence. Studies show that navy blue is the best color for a suit to wear to a job interview, because it inspires confidence. You are more likely to get the job when you wear navy blue to an interview than any other color. 蓝色是选择面试着装时最讨巧的颜色之一,因为这表现出了你是个可以信赖并且有自信的人。研究表明穿深蓝色西装去面试最好,因为它能激发信心。比起其他颜色,你穿深蓝色衣服去面试应聘成功的几率更高。
3. Gray: Analytical 3. 灰色:分析型 Wearing gray communicates independence or isolation. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, as long as you show that you're confident. Since gray is somewhat of a lonely color, this may say to others that you're very much an individual, who is self-sufficient and capable of thinking on your own. 穿灰色衣服传达出我行我素的信息。这并不一定是坏事,只要你表明自己很有信心就行。因为灰色是有点孤独的颜色,这会让别人觉得你很独立,能自我满足,而且能独立思考。 3. Gray: Analytical 3. 灰色:分析型 Wearing gray communicates independence or isolation. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, as long as you show that you're confident. Since gray is somewhat of a lonely color, this may say to others that you're very much an individual, who is self-sufficient and capable of thinking on your own. 穿灰色衣服传达出我行我素的信息。这并不一定是坏事,只要你表明自己很有信心就行。因为灰色是有点孤独的颜色,这会让别人觉得你很独立,能自我满足,而且能独立思考。
4. White: Organized 4. 白色:自律型 Wearing white and beige is a safe bet, but you may be considered 4. White: Organized 4. 白色:自律型 Wearing white and beige is a safe bet, but you may be considered "dull and lacking in self confidence." Hiring managers think that white means you're "organized". Experts advise wearing white or beige for a job where everyone else wears loud colors. 穿白色和米色很保险,但你可能被视为“沉闷、缺乏自信”。招聘经理认为白色意味着你是个有纪律性的人。专家建议当别人都穿亮色衣服应聘时,你可以穿白色或米色。
5. Brown: Dependable 5. 棕色:可靠型 This earthy color means warmth, safety and dependability. Think of brands that use brown in their logo, such as UPS and the original M&Ms. 这朴实的颜色意味着温暖、安全和可靠。想想商标里用到棕色的品牌,如UPS和原来的m&m巧克力豆。 5. Brown: Dependable 5. 棕色:可靠型 This earthy color means warmth, safety and dependability. Think of brands that use brown in their logo, such as UPS and the original M&Ms. 这朴实的颜色意味着温暖、安全和可靠。想想商标里用到棕色的品牌,如UPS和原来的m&m巧克力豆。
6. Red: Power 6. 红色:权力型 Red conveys passion and power and is the best color to wear when you're trying to persuade or impress someone. Red is also linked to courage, excitement, and energy. 红色表达激情和力量,当你想说服别人或想给人留下深刻印象时,穿红色是最好的选择。红色也和勇气、激情和能量联系在一起。 6. Red: Power 6. 红色:权力型 Red conveys passion and power and is the best color to wear when you're trying to persuade or impress someone. Red is also linked to courage, excitement, and energy. 红色表达激情和力量,当你想说服别人或想给人留下深刻印象时,穿红色是最好的选择。红色也和勇气、激情和能量联系在一起。
7. Green, Yellow, Orange, and Purple: Creative 7. 绿色、黄色、橘色和紫色:创新型 These colors communicate that you're fun and attract attention, but they don't necessarily elicit feelings of trust or commitment, which may not be the best message to send in a job interview. However, wearing these colors would work great for happy hour gatherings or in-house meetings. 这些色彩传达出你是个有趣、能吸引注意力的人,但是它们并不一定会让人有信任和承诺的感觉,在面试中这可不是能传达出的最好信息。然而,穿这些颜色的衣服对聚餐或室内会议有奇效。 7. Green, Yellow, Orange, and Purple: Creative 7. 绿色、黄色、橘色和紫色:创新型 These colors communicate that you're fun and attract attention, but they don't necessarily elicit feelings of trust or commitment, which may not be the best message to send in a job interview. However, wearing these colors would work great for happy hour gatherings or in-house meetings. 这些色彩传达出你是个有趣、能吸引注意力的人,但是它们并不一定会让人有信任和承诺的感觉,在面试中这可不是能传达出的最好信息。然而,穿这些颜色的衣服对聚餐或室内会议有奇效。


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