普林斯顿大学经济系教授和韩剧,听起来是不是完全没有关联?但日前有微博网友爆料,称普林斯顿大学经济系的Uwe E. Reinhardt 教授开设了一门韩剧课。
好奇的小编打开普林斯顿大学的官方网页,在Uwe E. Reinhardt 教授的主页看到了一个标题为“Introductory Korean Drama” 《韩剧导论》的课程,点开讲义开头就是这样一段“自黑”的导语:
After the near‐collapse of the world’s financial system has shown that we economists really do not know how the world works, I am much too embarrassed to teach economics anymore, which I have done for many years. I will teach Modern Korean Drama instead。
Although I have never been to Korea, I have watched Korean drama on a daily basis for over six years now. Therefore I can justly consider myself an expert in that subject。