
2013年12月24日16:10  沪江英语 微博   
 编辑点评:世界上最广泛使用的自动步枪AK-47的设计者卡拉什尼科夫去世,享年94岁。前苏联政府因他的重大贡献多次授予他各种荣誉、奖章。卡拉什尼科夫的枪械系统影响了多个国家的枪械设计风格。他被誉为“世界枪王”。  编辑点评:世界上最广泛使用的自动步枪AK-47的设计者卡拉什尼科夫去世,享年94岁。前苏联政府因他的重大贡献多次授予他各种荣誉、奖章。卡拉什尼科夫的枪械系统影响了多个国家的枪械设计风格。他被誉为“世界枪王”。

  Mikhail Kalashnikov, who is credited with inventing the AK-47 rifle died Monday in Russia after a lengthy battle with illness. He was 94 years old。

  经过与病魔的长期斗争后,AK-47突击步枪发明人米哈伊尔 卡拉什尼科夫周一在俄罗斯去世,享年94岁。

  Born Nov. 10, 1919 to Russian peasants who were deported to Siberia when he was a child, the future lieutenant general fought in, and then commanded, a tank brigade in World War II, but ended up in a gun shop after a wound took him from the front。


  After the war, Kalashnikov and a team entered a state-sponsored contest and invented the rifle, which became the best-selling rifle in history。


  And Kalashnikov’s fame rose as well. By the time he passed, he’d been honored twice as a hero of the Soviet Union, once as a hero of the modern Russian Federation, and had served six terms in the Supreme Soviet。


  In 1987, Kalashnikov said, ”Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer. I always wanted to construct agriculture machinery。”


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