"Game of Thrones" was not only the most downloaded show of the TV season, but also the most downloaded show of the year. In fact, the per episode illegal downloads figure is higher than the best ratings "Game of Thrones" has ever had。
According to file-sharing news site TorrentFreak, "Game of Thrones" has an estimated 5.9 million downloads per single episode. That number does not include online streaming and cyberlocker downloads, which would make the figure significantly higher. By contrast, "Game of Thrones" has an estimated 5.5 million TV viewers per single episode。
Trailing behind "Game of Thrones" on the most downloaded list are "Breaking Bad" and "The Walking Dead." Here is the list of 2013's most-downloaded TV shows (single episode) according to data collected by TorrentFreak and BitTorrent trackers:
下载量紧随《权力的游戏》之后的是美剧《绝命毒师》和《行尸走肉》。以下是根据BT下载网站 TorrentFreak和BitTorrent 数据统计的2013年被下载次数最多的美剧排名:
1. "Game of Thrones" (5.9 million)
2. "Breaking Bad" (4.2 million)
3. "The Walking Dead" (3.6 million)
4. "The Big Bang Theory" (3.4 million)
5. "Dexter" (3.1 million)
6. "How I Met Your Mother" (3.0 million)
7. "Suits" (2.6 million)
8."Homeland" (2.4 million)
9. "Vikings" (2.3 million)
10. "Arrow" (2.2 million)